LIEberman still tanking...Lamont moving up in the it november yet?


Junior Member
Senator Lieberman is viewed favorably by 57% of all voters, a decline of five percentage points since our August 9-10 poll. Lamont is viewed favorably by 52%, a two-point increase.
**from rasmussen
Kerry was also looking fairly favorable in the polls, they don't mean too much.
who do you favor and why?
Lamont though to be honest if Lamont loses it wouldn't kill me.. LIEberman isn't that bad, but im for lamont.

I take it you must be in the area? I have no real interest either way to be honest but given a vote I would go with lieberman on experience alone. Do you see lamonts experience as an issue or not really?
Is a vote for Lieberman a democratic vote or a republican one ? I have a problem with those who fly under false colors. Of course it is a moot point to me as I can't vote for either one of them.
Neither really, and I for surely dont fly under any particular color in general except red, white & blue. I have said before I am a neolibconervacrat. But if you would wanna know specifically under which light I would look at it would probably be a more democratic point of view, lieberman in my opinion is good for his party. I think he is a bit more closer to the center of left than that of lamont.......:cool:
LOL, And yes you are probably right Sir on the position left/right of Lieberman.
I however fault him on his pro war attitude that endures after the panicked and wussy demoncrats voted to back Bush. I was always against this war and continue to be so and cannot in good consicience vote for or support anyone who is continuing to support it. I am against preemptive invasion, I don't consider that the way the USA is supposed to do things. Just my opinion though.
the war is the biggie I hold against Bush.
LOL, And yes you are probably right Sir on the position left/right of Lieberman.
I however fault him on his pro war attitude that endures after the panicked and wussy demoncrats voted to back Bush. I was always against this war and continue to be so and cannot in good consicience vote for or support anyone who is continuing to support it. I am against preemptive invasion, I don't consider that the way the USA is supposed to do things. Just my opinion though.
the war is the biggie I hold against Bush.

Well this is my issue with the deal, many are going to hold this against liberman, and lamont certainly played up that roll, but does it really make him the better choice?
I don't really know Sir E. but as I said in another post somewhere today. I think it is time to clean house in congress.
I don't really know Sir E. but as I said in another post somewhere today. I think it is time to clean house in congress.

Undoubtedly a breath of fresh air is always good, I'm just saying that I hope the air does'nt get fouled along the way.:cof1:
I agree, Disn't the EPA declare congress a superfund cleanup site ?
Anyway seriously I think it best if we at least temproarly sever a few long established links of corruption and such. Might make the remaining ones a bit more nervous and responsive to the people. for a while at least.
I agree, but I think it best if we at least temproarly sever a few long established links of corruption and such. Might make the remaining ones a bit more nervous and responsive to the people. for a while at least.

Corruption is going to be tough to eliminate all together, I would think lamont may even know a thing or two already being the entrepreneur he is. Hopefully not, but I guess it shall come to light soone enough.
Sir Evil, why would an honest man want to jump in the pigpen ?
I would much rather see all paid lobbyists banned from DC. And make it a high felony for a congressman to submit a bill written by paid lobbyists.
Lobbying would be ok, but only expenses covered.
I know wish in one hand and..........
Sir Evil, why would an honest man want to jump in the pigpen ?
I would much rather see all paid lobbyists banned from DC. And make it a high felony for a congressman to submit a bill written by paid lobbyists.
Lobbying would be ok, but only expenses covered.
I know wish in one hand and..........

It's only an assumption that we speak of an honest man, usually one does not become the succeful business man lamont is being totally honest. Other from that I hold nothing against him except his lack of experience.
LOL, And yes you are probably right Sir on the position left/right of Lieberman.
I however fault him on his pro war attitude that endures after the panicked and wussy demoncrats voted to back Bush. I was always against this war and continue to be so and cannot in good consicience vote for or support anyone who is continuing to support it. I am against preemptive invasion, I don't consider that the way the USA is supposed to do things. Just my opinion though.
the war is the biggie I hold against Bush.

See, this guy comes along and decides to call himself "Sir Evil" instead of just Evil, or something really fitting like "dickwad", and what does everybody do? They fall right into it, and nik him "Sir".

Well, he will be waiting a long time before I'm calling him anything other than "hey dick", and no way will be falling for the sir ploy. Next thing you know Dano will change his name to MasterDano and everyone will be niking him Master.

These right wing authoritarian types need their power fixes and they are very sneaky about how they go about getting them, so be careful.
See, this guy comes along and decides to call himself "Sir Evil" instead of just Evil, or something really fitting like "dickwad", and what does everybody do? They fall right into it, and nik him "Sir".

Well, he will be waiting a long time before I'm calling him anything other than "hey dick", and no way will be falling for the sir ploy. Next thing you know Dano will change his name to MasterDano and everyone will be niking him Master.

These right wing authoritarian types need their power fixes and they are very sneaky about how they go about getting them, so be careful.

:lolup: :lolup:

Very colorful Darla, and I love it when you call me dick so please by all means leave it that way. Am I no longer a evil dick, or is just plain dick good now?;)