Lieberman the Turncoat

He actually disgusts me more than any other politician right now. The audience loved him last night; the first interview I saw afterward was with Gingrich, who had that child-like, giddy face on, and he was going on & on about what it said for the Dem party that one of their former candidates for VP had come to the RNC looking for shelter.

And he did lie about Obama, only a few weeks after saying that, if he did speak at the RNC, he wouldn't say anything bad about him.
He actually disgusts me more than any other politician right now. The audience loved him last night; the first interview I saw afterward was with Gingrich, who had that child-like, giddy face on, and he was going on & on about what it said for the Dem party that one of their former candidates for VP had come to the RNC looking for shelter.

And he did lie about Obama, only a few weeks after saying that, if he did speak at the RNC, he wouldn't say anything bad about him.

He is pretty bad. Isn't enough that he's supporting McCain? does he have to trash Obama in the process?
In reading the text of the speech, it appears he mentioned Obama twice....

"Senator Obama is a gifted and eloquent young man who can do great things for our country in the years ahead. But eloquence is no substitute for a record -- not in these tough times. "


"When others were silent, John McCain had the judgment to sound the alarm about the mistakes we were making in Iraq. When others wanted to retreat in defeat from the field of battle, when Barack Obama was voting to cut off funding for our troops on the ground, "

Did I miss any?

If not, then I assume the lie is on his voting on cutting off funding???

Never mind... I found the answer. While Obama did vote against a bill that had war funding, it was due to other parts of the bill. He later supported an alternate war funding bill.
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Yeah Democrats too apparently. They loved him before they hated him.

Well, I never really loved the guy, but that's besides the point. I support Barack Obama now, but if he's at the RNC in 8 years, railing against a Dem candidate that I like and kissing their warmongering arse, he'll be on my "bad list" as well.
There is nothing wrong with changing your opinion of a politician, particularly if they change their positions.

I was just making fun of how usc tries to turn everything into a one-liner berating Republicans.
Yeah Democrats too apparently. They loved him before they hated him.

I never had any opinion of Lieberman really – he was never my Senator, until I watched him debate Cheney. I mean, I thought I could do a better job of it, and it made me angry. That was the first time I formed an opinion of him either way.
Yep, the democrats loved Lieberman back in the day, when he was in lockstep with their position, but as soon as he fell from grace in their minds, he was just another fucking jew kike bastard that they wanted destroyed.
I never liked Lieberman...

And I beg your pardon, the reason the Dems have had so much trouble is that they were so diverse and it was the GOP who was doing the lockstep. Remember what they did to McCain when he tried to be the maverick, smack down 2000 and Karl Roved!
I never liked Lieberman...

And I beg your pardon, the reason the Dems have had so much trouble is that they were so diverse and it was the GOP who was doing the lockstep. Remember what they did to McCain when he tried to be the maverick, smack down 2000 and Karl Roved!

They do pretty much what Rove says don't they ?

And The Rove says, Thou shalt like my Leiberman.
And they did like their Leiberman.
All the days of their lives.
Lieberman is one of my personal heroes. He is a man of great conviction, and one who puts his country before partisan politics. Did it ever occur to you assholes how much he is losing by endorsing McCain? :mad: He is willing to put his political career on the line by standing up for what he believes in.

You bastards threw Hillary under the bus, now Lieberman... who's next?

As far as I'm concerned, you liberals can just go fuck yourselves. :mad: :321: