Lieberman the Turncoat

Leiberman has not been convicted yet has he ?
Won't be long though considering the crowd he is running with lately.
Lieberman is one of my personal heroes. He is a man of great conviction, and one who puts his country before partisan politics. Did it ever occur to you assholes how much he is losing by endorsing McCain? :mad: He is willing to put his political career on the line by standing up for what he believes in.

You bastards threw Hillary under the bus, now Lieberman... who's next?

As far as I'm concerned, you liberals can just go fuck yourselves. :mad: :321:

I don't like Lieberman. He agrees with the GOP on one issue, and for propaganda purposes that makes him a hero like Zell Miller (who actually gave an awesome speech, unlike Lieberman's boring stuff). Of course, I have been making fun of a lot of the speeches, like humming the Law & Order tune when Thompson got up. I'm watching a re-run of Giuliani, and he at least is a great talker.
I think you idiots forget kerry was considering him for vp last election. Actually he was Kerry's first pick but mccain turned him down.