Lies by Trumppers Vol. 1

Shut up asshole.

The judge decided what its worth. Your pig squealing is not compelling

No the judge did not you simpleton. He cited what Trump said it is worth.

The judge did not send out any surveyors or property valuation firms. He did no work to make any determination. He just accepted Trump's valuation on the high end and low end and you can see that in the court transcript.

Stop lying. And being so stupid.
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No the judge did not you simpleton. He cited what Trump said it is worth.

The judge did not send out any surveyors of property valuation firms. He did no work to make any determination. He just accepted Trump's valuation on the high end and low end and you can see that in the court transcript.

Stop lying. And being so stupid.

He decided that was the worth of the property. I'd tell you to stop being stupid but we know thats impossible. I expect more squealing from you
He decided that was the worth of the property. I'd tell you to stop being stupid but we know thats impossible. I expect more squealing from you

He decided that based ON TRUMP"S DECLARATIONS AND ARGUEMENTS you simpleton.

When Trump challenged the taxes and said the property was worth LESS than $16MM (and thus why you called Trump a moron) , what Trump argued was put forth in a written submission.

Trump made the argument that since he had contracted away FOREVER any redevelopment rights, there was no speculative value to the land. INstead it had to be valued based on what it generated each year as a resort, which was not a lot of money as Mar a logo does not generate a ton of revenue or profit.

So if the judge says 'OK i accept your valuation' that is not the judge making a determination, and is a judge AGREEING with YOUR valuation.

Be less stupid.
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And anyone who thinks Mar A Lago is worth only $18 million is a moron or a leftist judge. In this case its both. The idiot judge picked a bullshit number. Stop being a retard.

The judge did not pick a number, dipshit...
Where is your citation that shows the Judge chose number?> Your lies are being exposed here.

This has been shown to you over and over again. Jared you don't really believe I give a shit about what you think do you? Really?
This has been shown to you over and over again. Jared you don't really believe I give a shit about what you think do you? Really?

NOT once, you just fell for the Trump trick of saying it over and over again. It works on the weak minded.

Show us a citation? I bet you already looked and cant find one!