Life under Communism

Not on the right, just about anyone who disagrees with them on anything is a Commie, it is unfortunate they don't realize this is the 21st Century

Yeah, how about not bringing the Communist fails of the 20th into k? TIA.

The ideas are not going to succeed just because it's a new century, dumbass.

Communism is always going to fail.
Next time you are in DC, make sure you take the Tour of this place:

"Bureau of Engraving and Printing
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing produces United States currency notes, operates as the nation's central bank, and serves to ensure that adequate amounts of currency and coin are in circulation."

Seems like they're failing with all the media articles on "Release your coins". :dunno:

How good is this government we've got nowadays, wtf?
Not on the right, just about anyone who disagrees with them on anything is a Commie, it is unfortunate they don't realize this is the 21st Century

Gotta love that North Korean economy. I wonder if their people are used to eating grass, tree bark, and field mice yet? :laugh:
This is Communism ☭

In Red China, a dog is bashed to death by a Communist official when the owner was tested positive for the Chinese disease and forcibly taken away for "isolation".

As you can see in the video the dog tried to follow its owner and when the ambulance drove away, the person in the hazmat suit bashed the Corgi to death with a shovel.

I am absolutely enraged at whoever the fuck this piece of shit human is.

Dogs are the most loyal animals and expect nothing more than your company and some basic food, and for this piece of shit Communist to casually kill this dog so unnecessarily makes me unbelievably mad.
There's a good reason Socialist economies don't work compared to Capitalism. In simplest terms, Socialist economies cannot take advantage of the time value of money.,earn, and the time frame. More items...

Without the ability to compound interest and investments--because the government / central body running the economy controls all money--the economy has far less wealth to spend on expansion. It was TVM that created the modern economic world. Before that concept existed along with the idea of fractional wealth banking, the amount of wealth in existence was seriously limited.
Since those systems cannot operate in a Socialist economy--the government cannot lend to itself--Socialism is severely restricted in how much wealth is available to do anything in the economy. Thus, it fails miserably compared to Capitalism.