Limit the number of a member's concurrent threads

Nope. You put him on "ignore" because you are an intellectual coward who rushes to put differing views on "ignore" and then virtue-signal to the mindless collective that you have done so.

i.e. limiting what you can view to the mindless collective who does your thinking for you while you do their HATING for them, always makes the forum quite a bit more pleasant, readable and usable to you. Enjoy.
No one is on ignore... If you're actually ignoring someone you ignore them... You don't comment on what they "might" be saying now every other post 🤣
You're a delusional toxic shitbird. You try to hurt others constantly.
AFAIK, you have no redeeming qualities. None. You are sociopathic and narcissistic.

Following his devastating election loss and spanking by the mods, Mr. Tiny Penis is now a broken man reduced to lashing out and screeching get off my lawn. As others have said, have pity.