but but but Trump
Fact is this sicko was one of yours a Trump hater
he would be in line with u to vote for the other sicko Biden
View attachment 18919
Donald Trump is a pedophile. One day Ivanka will speak out about it. Right now she just wants Daddy to keep paying her off.
Lots and lots of money came from real republicans. I think they scare the crap out of you.
Twenty-one young men accuse Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver of sending them inappropriate messages offering political career advice in exchange for sex - including one who was just 14
Trump Hating Queer PEDOPHILE.
Lincoln Project is finished. The pending lawsuits will crush them
U mean like this
Diary of Joe Biden’s daughter: ‘showers with my dad’ ‘probably not appropriate’
The thread is about Weaver
Vocal supporterof Joe Biden is a pedophile.
Skocking news! LOL
Pedo party Democrats. LOL sick fucking people
U mean like this
Diary of Joe Biden’s daughter: ‘showers with my dad’ ‘probably not appropriate’
Ain't ary a one of them scares me, boy. They need to start being afraid of Americans.
Is an employee the same thing as a co-founder
Like little twats like you, who play tuff girl on their computers each day? You dont have the guts to attend a rally.
Like little twats like you, who play tuff girl on their computers each day? You dont have the guts to attend a rally.