Lindsay Lohan

God I hate hearing that. Everytime a celebrity does a crime, they're doing it cause they think they're above the law! This even goes through there head, they're just trying to shove they're noses at all of you. Meanwhile, whenever LadyT breaks the law, it was the police officers fault.

"whenever LadyT breaks the law".........yeah, because I drive around drunk, high on coke and chasing people down in my car left and right. /sarcasm
I guess I will have to google and see who Lindsay is....
Must be hot if WM is pulling for her.

She played the twin girls in The Parent Trap when she was a child, not very long ago really. And she's been in movies since then. She has talent, and she's adorable, but she's messed up.
Thanks Darla, I gathered that she was messed up. I am suprised that Rob our pro drunk driving type has not come to here defense...But then she is a she ;)
Yeah as you have noticed a real touchy subject for Rob.
I guess I will not buy any Nikes, but then I never have bought any....
So status quo on that for me.

You know, Nike didn't kill those dogs though, seriously. I mean, I think you have to give them a chance to react. It's not like Nike is running commercials depicting someone wearing Nikes electrocuting pit bills and yelling "Just Do It!"

But like you, I don't buy Nikes anyway. That goes way back to their usage of child labor, which I think they stopped, but I got into the habit of not buying them, and never felt any need to change back.
thinking back I don't think I have ever had anything with Nike on it.
I guess I am just unamerican for not buying from a japanese company ;)
Watch out Darla , people jumped all over me for taking the due process and innocent till proven guilty tack ;)
Maybe this has already been discussed but I cannot for the life of me figure out what would possess her to drive when she is in the prediciment she is in? Granted L.A. is not S.F. or N.Y. regarding cabs but she has friends and money so she is not stuck with her driving as the only option.

She is an alcoholic. That's all you need to know to understand it. And alcohol is THE gateway drug, so that explains the coke too.

One of the morning show was just talking to someone about how you should handle it if your daughter looked up to Lindsay Lohan and, say, had posters of her. I say, you should have adressed that a long time ago and at this point you are probably fucked, but beatings might work. Seriously, I'd be considering therapy.

Why would anyone look up to Lindsay in the first place? I mean Mike Vick might be a scumbag, but at least he can run and throw. Barry Bonds might be on roids, but he could always hit & play and was bound for the hall anyway. But Lindsay Lohan ain't good for nothing but skipping meals and partying.
Yeah looks, like I am going to have to move over here, since FP is dying. Is there a way to turn off the avatars?

Disagree with what? That he is a scumbag or that he can run and throw? Can't see how you could disagree with either.

I am not arguing he is an acceptable idol. He is not. But that is knowing what we know now, not that he has not shown signs before. But, one can see why a kid might take an interest in the first place. He is an amazing athlete.

Lindsay's only quality, that I know of, is that she is attractive and, seemingly, grew a rack overnight. I don't know, maybe the emphasis on athleticism among males is as unhealthy as the emphasis on beauty among females, but I don't think so.
Yeah looks, like I am going to have to move over here, since FP is dying. Is there a way to turn off the avatars?

Disagree with what? That he is a scumbag or that he can run and throw? Can't see how you could disagree with either.

I am not arguing he is an acceptable idol. He is not. But that is knowing what we know now, not that he has not shown signs before. But, one can see why a kid might take an interest in the first place. He is an amazing athlete.

Lindsay's only quality, that I know of, is that she is attractive and, seemingly, grew a rack overnight. I don't know, maybe the emphasis on athleticism among males is as unhealthy as the emphasis on beauty among females, but I don't think so.
Yes, in your control panel you can choose whether to show sigs, avatars and even any pictures at all.
On the vick Item. Just a personal thing with me. Not into heroes or sports figures.
On the Avitar toggle, not sure, some are the best part of a couple of posters.
I am sure Damo will reply on that. he is a very good administrator and has never asked me why I hate America :)
On the vick Item. Just a personal thing with me. Not into heroes or sports figures.
On the Avitar toggle, not sure, some are the best part of a couple of posters.
I am sure Damo will reply on that. he is a very good administrator and has never asked me why I hate America :)
Sure I have, but it was always in jest.
Meanwhile back to the subject:

I didn't know who Lindsay Lohan was until someone mentioned that she was the twins on "Parent Trap" That's too bad, she was cute, (and rather good in that) but unfortunately these are the things that happen to child stars. (much too often)