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I like what Graham says most of the time but he has a very casual relationship between what he says and what he does most of the time.
You know they are just going to anoint him again. No one else will be given a real chance at the nomination.isn't the time to attack Biden's candidacy AFTER the Demmycrats commit to him as the party's nominee?.....
Graham is part of the Washington establishment that we need to get out of our government. Graham shows it is not about party but you just have to be one of the good old boys. Does not matter how corrupt you are or how much you lie. These old farts that have been in congress more than 10 years should be voted out. Another prime example of why we need term limits
As it does every summer after Memorial Day.
You know they are just going to anoint him again. No one else will be given a real chance at the nomination.
Graham is part of the Washington establishment that we need to get out of our government. Graham shows it is not about party but you just have to be one of the good old boys. Does not matter how corrupt you are or how much you lie. These old farts that have been in congress more than 10 years should be voted out. Another prime example of why we need term limits
"Lindsey Graham is a fraud"
The democrats are even worse just look at inflation and the border. Gas has went up here 20 cents in the last 2 weeks
You should consume some news that is not from an alt right source.
Alt-Right being anything that dissents from Regime Media....what power tells us to believe.
If somebody is representing their state well why should he be forced out?
And one of Trump's golfing buddies. He hated Trump until he won, then he became butt buddies with him. Lindsay is whatever he needs to be at any given time to stay near the power.
As it does every summer after Memorial Day.
Alt-right being truth and facts
isn't the time to attack Biden's candidacy AFTER the Demmycrats commit to him as the party's nominee?.....
Gee big surprize that republicans don’t want the voters deciding who represents them
do you understand what that word means?
It means limiting a voters choice to please your fucking evil ass
The current nazi GOP keep getting outmaneuvered by Democrats both electorally and legislatively. Republicans are so stupid.
The DNC will not even have debates trying to make sure Biden wins. They think Kennedy has no chance
Everywhere my friend. I'm not trying to rain on your HATE BIDEN Parade, just trying to be informative and helpful!
Just last week, the OPEC nations in the Middle East and including Russia said they were cutting back production even further than what they already did back last October. And they are not expected to increase production until the end of the year.
And it is summer now, where most Gasoline companies switch over to their Summer fuel- Pure gasoline without ethanol- which is more expensive.
Check and see if your state does this- not all states do!
So Gasoline is going up everywhere.
If you have Murphy's USA stations, THEY ARE BY FAR 20 cents cheaper a gallon than anywhere else.
Good luck!