APP - Linehan attacks American 'lies' over NHS

call him a wambulance...we are still a Free country, they don't like it, leave.

Do you ever wonder why people think that you are a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic? Graham Linehan is Irish and he lives in London. Also if it's a free country why should anybody need to leave for voicing a different opinion to the rabid dogs of the right?
Do you ever wonder why people think that you are a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic? Graham Linehan is Irish and he lives in London. Also if it's a free country why should anybody need to leave for voicing a different opinion to the rabid dogs of the right?

oh well, I won't click on a link without any info, so I mighta jumped the gun on that one...and why should we have someone from another country chiming in on our health care debate, anyway
and you are a light bulb short of a 4pack, so we are even
oh well, I won't click on a link without any info, so I mighta jumped the gun on that one...and why should we have someone from another country chiming in on our health care debate, anyway
and you are a light bulb short of a 4pack, so we are even

So by the same token, why should ill informed right wing Americans feel that they can criticise the NHS with impunity?
Do you ever wonder why people think that you are a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic? Graham Linehan is Irish and he lives in London. Also if it's a free country why should anybody need to leave for voicing a different opinion to the rabid dogs of the right?

It is a polly want a cracker answer that we have come to expect from certain factions of our country. Just say, yeah, yeah, and close the door to the padded cell!
oh well, I won't click on a link without any info, so I mighta jumped the gun on that one...and why should we have someone from another country chiming in on our health care debate, anyway
and you are a light bulb short of a 4pack, so we are even

If you never click on a link without any info, as you term it, how do ever navigate the internet at all?
So by the same token, why should ill informed right wing Americans feel that they can criticise the NHS with impunity?

Look, we all hear the horror stories of their health care, we put up a video of someone from there not long ago talking about I don't know why you all are denying it..
we don't want our health care run by the Federal Government, how hard is that for you to understand..
I'm curious why you're curious and why you should care..I don't care about anything you do..

Wow, do they put you guys out on a conveyor belt? Manufacture you are some Right Wing Connie plant? Do you pull the string and you all say the same thing?

Just curious, this does sound like soundbites from the dark side!
Wow, do they put you guys out on a conveyor belt? Manufacture you are some Right Wing Connie plant? Do you pull the string and you all say the same thing?

Just curious, this does sound like soundbites from the dark side!

this post made about as much sense as you usual do...none
I won't go to a site I don't have information on, what the hell is so hard to figure out about that..

Because it is totally illogical, you would never surf anywhere if you needed to know what a link contained before you clicked on it. If you are that worried about risky websites then you should use Firefox and the WOT addon which lets you know in advance about websites that are malicious.