List ONE thing that America needs done and make a case for why it needs doing


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List ONE thing that America needs done and make a case for why it needs doing

(One thing per post. Post as many times as you have suggestions.)

America needs a definitive newspaper or magazine article, book or film which might be called, "The Patriotic Narrative of America's History and Future."

"The Narrative" would make a case for who we were as a people, what America was meant to be, how we evolved and who is behind the Leftist hijacking of America and what the logical result will be for America if we continue down the current Leftist path.

Too many Liberals, Leftists and Dems are acting as though THEIR ideology is the rightful path based on our history, when it clearly isn't.

This idea came to me when watching CBS Sunday Morning's interview with former House Speaker, John Boehner.

John Boehner on how the rise of ideologues harms America

I was angrily shaking my head through much of the piece and it hit me that HIS view of things will lead America to disaster. But I haven't the historical knowledge needed to write "The Narrative" myself.

List ONE thing that America needs done and make a case for why it needs doing

(One thing per post. Post as many times as you have suggestions.)

America needs a definitive newspaper or magazine article, book or film which might be called, "The Patriotic Narrative of America's History and Future."

"The Narrative" would make a case for who we were as a people, what America was meant to be, how we evolved and who is behind the Leftist hijacking of America and what the logical result will be for America if we continue down the current Leftist path.

Too many Liberals, Leftists and Dems are acting as though THEIR ideology is the rightful path based on our history, when it clearly isn't.

This idea came to me when watching CBS Sunday Morning's interview with former House Speaker, John Boehner.

I was angrily shaking my head through much of the piece and it hit me that HIS view of things will lead America to disaster. But I haven't the historical knowledge needed to write "The Narrative" myself.


And there aren't many Conservatives, Rightists and Reps who act as if THEIR ideology is right?

And there aren't many Conservatives, Rightists and Reps who act as if THEIR ideology is right?


I am willing to concede when our side isn't right about things.

I will cite the Right's attitude toward COVID and the necessary precautions, even though we DO have a great case to make about Covid being a "Trojan Horse" for Leftist conquest.

And I will point out the Right's defense of Derek Chauvin, who I believe intentionally killed CITIZEN George Floyd. I haven't yet seen any reason to defend him in his murder trial. But SOME of us on the Right seem to champion Chauvin because he is White and SOME of us champion Chauvin because he is a Cop, and because Floyd was not an ideal citizen.

But, back to my main point, there IS a right or best way to proceed and there are less that best or less than right ways of progressing.

And that depends, largely, on what your end goal is.

And the end goal for America should not be decided by Communists or Islamists or power-mad Bond-esque billionaire villains and their misinformed but skilled flunkies who are skillful at using politics and mind control techniques to win, without having enough brain power to realize that what they help to enable would be wrong and would only benefit a small number of people.
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I am willing to concede when our side isn't right about things.

But there IS a right or best way to proceed and there are less that best or less than right ways of progressing.

And that depends, largely, on what your end goal is.

And the end goal for America should not be decided by Communists or Islamists or power-mad Bond-esque billionaire villains and their misinformed but skilled flunkies who are skillful at using politics and mind control techniques to win, without having enough brain power to realize that what they help to enable would be wrong and would only benefit a small number of people.

LOL. This isn't like one of those 007 movies.

There are no Communists or Islamists who decide the course of America.
The problem with this OP and its author is that he is looking for certain things, and will reject out of hand as "commie" or "socialist" anything that doesn't fit in his Wish Box. Nevertheless, here goes.

The United States needs to ditch the ACA and institute a true national health plan similar to Medicare. Basic services are covered; citizens may purchase (or receive through their employers) supplemental plans just like we use Medicare B and D. Companies will no longer need to offer health care insurance, unless they want to offer the supplements as hiring incentives. In exchange we will raise their taxes slightly to pay for the new plan. Nonprofit hospitals and other providers will receive higher reimbursement rates than for-profits as an incentive to return to the nonprofit model that served us so well in the past. To forestall any crying from the RW about illegals, this plan will *only* be for U.S. citizens.
And there aren't many Conservatives, Rightists and Reps who act as if THEIR ideology is right?


There is USUALLY a right thing to do and a wrong thing to do.

Writer, public speaker and comedian, Evan Sayet says the Left invariably chooses the evil choice, or the choice which has already been shown to have failed and the Left can be counted on to choose the absolute WORST choice that can be made in any situation.

The Right choices are many times NOT chosen because the Left has to work harder to find a way to "win" and the Right can no longer expect to win based on the merits of our ideas.

Good ideas no longer are enough to prevail over bad ideas with a stronger (and that often means more evil or deceptive or more artificially powerful) delivery.
There is USUALLY a right thing to do and a wrong thing to do.

Writer, public speaker and comedian, Evan Sayet says the Left invariably chooses the evil choice, or the choice which has already been shown to have failed and the Left can be counted on to choose the absolute WORST choice that can be made in any situation.

The Right choices are many times NOT chosen because the Left has to work harder to find a way to "win" and the Right can no longer expect to win based on the merits of our ideas.

Good ideas no longer are enough to prevail over bad ideas with a stronger (and that often means more evil or deceptive or more artificially powerful) delivery.

What evil choices?

BTW, a case can also be made that Israel decides the course of America.
The problem with this OP and its author is that he is looking for certain things, and will reject out of hand as "commie" or "socialist" anything that doesn't fit in his Wish Box. Nevertheless, here goes.

The United States needs to ditch the ACA and institute a true national health plan similar to Medicare. Basic services are covered; citizens may purchase (or receive through their employers) supplemental plans just like we use Medicare B and D. Companies will no longer need to offer health care insurance, unless they want to offer the supplements as hiring incentives. In exchange we will raise their taxes slightly to pay for the new plan. Nonprofit hospitals and other providers will receive higher reimbursement rates than for-profits as an incentive to return to the nonprofit model that served us so well in the past. To forestall any crying from the RW about illegals, this plan will *only* be for U.S. citizens.

I think history has already proven that Marxism does not, has never and can not possibly work in real life the way it does theoretically.
I think history has already proven that Marxism does not, has never and can not possibly work in real life the way it does theoretically.

This answer is unsurprising. I even predicted that you'd haul out the commie card, rather than provide a reasoned and rational response.

What evil choices?

BTW, a case can also be made that Israel decides the course of America.

A case, as they say, can be made to indict a ham sandwich.

I'm sure there are plenty of examples of evil choices, but because the natural tendency of well adjusted people is to try not to dwell on the bad, but to gravitate toward the good, I can't come up off the top of my head, with evil choices that are more illustrative of the Sayet point.

But, to answer your question, I will cite the Left's infatuation with Communism.

100 years since the Commuinist Revolution of Russia.

40 + countries have tried Communism.

100 Million lives have been lost in Communist attempts to install, maintain, promote or defend Communism in those countries and others.

And all but the lucky elites in every Communist nation has resulted in lower standards of living and less liberty.

If The Soviet Union was the "Evil Empire" as RR said, what made it evil was Communism.

And we STILL are in danger of it.

Thanks to Leftists and Liberals.
A case, as they say, can be made to indict a ham sandwich.

I'm sure there are plenty of examples of evil choices, but because the natural tendency of well adjusted people is to try not to dwell on the bad, but to gravitate toward the good, I can't come up off the top of my head, with evil choices that are more illustrative of the Sayet point.

But, to answer your question, I will cite the Left's infatuation with Communism.

100 years since the Commuinist Revolution of Russia.

40 + countries have tried Communism.

100 Million lives have been lost in Communist attempts to install, maintain, promote or defend Communism in those countries and others.

And all but the lucky elites in every Communist nation has resulted in lower standards of living and less liberty.

If The Soviet Union was the "Evil Empire" as RR said, what made it evil was Communism.

And we STILL are in danger of it.

Thanks to Leftists and Liberals.

I can also make a case that the Right has been infatuated with Fascism. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy are two good examples.

We are still in danger of that as well.

See? You and I can argue on each side of the same coin.
What evil choices?

BTW, a case can also be made that Israel decides the course of America.

The way I see it, and I may be seeing it wrongly, but Israel can only decide America's choices by agreeing NOT to lay waste to their Arab enemies.

If Israel didn't care what America thought, would the Middle East still look like it does today?

I doubt it.

And so, America makes agreements with the Israelis and their enemies, for the GREATEST good of all concerned rather than just one player or another.
I can also make a case that the Right has been infatuated with Fascism. Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy are two good examples.

We are still in danger of that as well.

See? You and I can argue on each side of the same coin.

Except that your assertion withers and fades under any serious scrutiny.

Flowcart from "The Agenda: Grinding America Down"

@ 00:07 of this 13 second video, the chart shows that Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Nazism as well as the current Democrat Party, ALL favor total government control.

And that is exactly opposite what the Right stands for.