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Villified User
Early this year I said that 2 outfits would weather the hard times ok. Wally World and MickeyD's.

Excerpt from news article on the stock market.

Despite the carnage across much of the market, some stand out names enjoyed double digit growth. Wal-Mart was one of two stocks on the Dow Jones Industrial Average to find positive territory, up 18 per cent at $56.06. The other, McDonald’s, rose 5.6 per cent over the year to $62.19.

eat yer hearts out you finaincial guru's :clink:
You know eho I am talking about.
So two things right and 11,000 things wrong. Forgive me if I don't hedge my bets with you.
don't kill the dream beefy. We all want to be over 60 and claim on a chatboard that we are the oracle.

Compare my record on this chatboard to yours. Who has been correct more?
Be the oracle? I just understand more than you do.
Beer will do well too
Mad Dog. That will do really well.

And Pizza Delivery, for some reason that is recession proof as well.

BTW - I made fun of Uscit on this one for pointing out what everybody should have assumed anyway, in every recession Wally World does well. We then had a long discussion about McDonald's food and how it is cheaper than making your own for some people with Chapdog in the same thread. McDonald's does well during downtimes, Wally World does as well.
Yeah pizza delivery is strange.... It is recession proof so far.
I guess it is becuase people forgot how to cook?
or is it related to beer consumption and sports on TV?
Yeah pizza delivery is strange.... It is recession proof so far.
I guess it is becuase people forgot how to cook?
or is it related to beer consumption and sports on TV?
I don't know, I just know that during a recession Pizza Delivery is a good business to own. It doesn't pick up much after the recession, but it doesn't die during it.

It's why I went that direction when seeking another source of income.

I subscribe to the multi-line income strategy.
Affordable treat.

Filling, tasty and nutritious, too! We now (again) have one of those places where they'll make your pizza to order and you go home and cook it yourself.
When I was at Carleton there was a great pizza place around the corner from my apt. I was a frequent customer.
Filling, tasty and nutritious, too! We now (again) have one of those places where they'll make your pizza to order and you go home and cook it yourself.
When I was at Carleton there was a great pizza place around the corner from my apt. I was a frequent customer.

'Papa Johns'? I quit going there cause they gave me grief when I asked for anchovies...I like em'(old school me) but they said 'say what'!