Listen to uscitizen you should

I don't eat them. That would be like eating one of the salt licks for the horses!

***shakes Head*** I gave away more free horses than you would ever own...try again Damo...salt for the horses!...uh huh! Thats like claiming USC is a Irish Leprechon with a 'pot o' Gold!:cof1:
yet you don't own the stock, way to follow you convictions crazy Uncle festor

I follow my convictions, I got out of all stock when I saw this coming.
Made a killing too since all the other suckers were still going full speed with full parking lots and all.
I am set for the rest of my life should not need any more money.
I wonder how many believe you.
I for one am convinced your full of shit.

LOL, Like I care what you think.

aAnother point. With the car dealerspips problems it should help my business out.
I should be able to keep my people working.
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McDonald's 1Q profit rises nearly 4 percent

Apr 22, 3:01 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - McDonald's Corp. (MCD) (MCD), which has been thriving during the economic downturn, saw its first-quarter profit climb nearly 4 percent as more customers worldwide came to the Golden Arches for a cheap meal.

Sales of chicken, breakfast and beverages were particularly strong, McDonald's said.

The nation's No. 1 hamburger chain said it is capturing a bigger bite of the market in nearly every part of the world as consumers cut back on their spending and look for a less-expensive alternative to sit-down restaurants.