Nope. I know he has two sons and a daughter but they haven't been dismissed from military service, investigated by the ATF and FBI for losing firearms, they don't leave laptops full of incriminating evidence and porn photos everywhere they go, don't run art scams, aren't drug addicts, and generally are not the sort of stupid fuck, on-the-take, useless turd that Bagman is.

No, they're chickenhawks and cocaine addicts who run real estate and charity scams.
I really do hope the left keeps defending him to the end. REALLY makes them look like shit. Like worthless hacks. Gotta love it. It is always much more satisfying watching someone totally fuck themselves over instead of having to do it yourself. Much easier too. All we have to do is just wind them up like a little toy,.......and watch them go,...STRAIGHT OVER THE EDGE! :laugh:

we just gotta keep giving them rope.

"what do you think about Biden?"
Joe Biden.


No commentary needed. No anything needed really. In a matter of mere months that name has become a punchline, a joke,....something to be ridiculed. Deny all you want,....... but we ALL know its true. ;)

Many thanks to this nations lefties. You have done more for our cause than we ever could have done simply by placing this feeble minded imbecile in the ultimate position of power through the use of a rigged election. Again,....thanks a million for signing your party's own death warrant FOR US. Best part of the whole thing..........you all KNOW it too. :laugh: Its all happening so fast,.....gotta LOVE it. ;)




It will work. Cry harder.


It wont work. While you guys continue jerking yourselves off to failed distractions the whole world is seeing the trainwreck caused by the D party. Even the media lap dogs have thrown in the towel. Haw haw haw.....:cool: They are getting ready to sacrifice the old dotard,.... in fact they already are. Think what you will,.... makes it even better. ;)
It wont work. While you guys continue jerking yourselves off to failed distractions the whole world is seeing the trainwreck caused by the D party. Even the media lap dogs have thrown in the towel. Haw haw haw.....:cool: They are getting ready to sacrifice the old dotard,.... in fact they already are. Think what you will,.... makes it even better. ;)

Sure. I'd be soooo happy and laughing so hard if President Biden resigns or leaves by the way of the 25th.

Know why? I'll be enjoying the sweet music of the Trumpkins screeching when Kamala becomes President.

So be careful what you wish for. You just might it. :laugh:

Sure. I'd be soooo happy and laughing so hard if President Biden resigns or leaves by the way of the 25th.

Know why? I'll be enjoying the sweet music of the Trumpkins screeching when Kamala becomes President.

So be careful what you wish for. You just might it. :laugh:

Bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha

It's truly embarrassing seeing the Regressive Left attempting to defend Slo Jo, surely they must know nobody is buying it?

Biden to give speech

It is a bit early in Joe Biden's tenure for a political obituary but the Afghanistan debacle may be presidency-shattering. Is HMS Biden now holed below the water line and slowly sinking? Donald Trump scents blood in the water and is popping up on the airwaves to put the boot in to his hapless successor.
In Washington, not a single head rolled in response to what one Pentagon official called a "s—show".

Former Obama officials have said Mr Biden's national security adviser should be fired over the US's "botched" withdrawal but Nick Allen outlines how the President's asinine handling of Afghanistan could gift Mr Trump the White House.

Telegraph readers outline how they believe Mr Biden "has deviated from the plan". Follow a speech he will give at 6pm BST here.


Huh,....I guess talking about the CURRENT President is now considered off topic. Someone must be feeling a bit embarrassed I presume. :cool: Quite telling indeed. In fact,...it actually feeds my narrative. Many thanks. ;)
Huh,....I guess talking about the CURRENT President is now considered off topic. Someone must be feeling a bit embarrassed I presume. :cool: Quite telling indeed. In fact,...it actually feeds my narrative. Many thanks. ;)

Embarrassed? You should be.

Haw.... haw... haw!!!!