Local couple shot at over Biden bumper sticker.

Hello cawacko,

The claim is someone was shot in the head. If that was true, and it was done by a Trump supporter because the person has a Biden bumper sticker (or vice versa), you don't think campaign operatives and supporters would be all over this story?

Every right and left leaning cable news story would lead with this (depending on the side). This board would be all over it.

But some anonymous poster (or sock) claimed it on the internet, when it hasn't been reported anywhere else, so it must be true...

I just said I believed it. That doesn't make it true nor verified. Lots of people believe things that are not verified. We're humans. That's what we do.

There are a lot of people who think Trump cares about them. That isn't verified either, but you can't tell them.
Hello Tacomaman,

By and large, I consider trumptards to be very Un-American and totally unpatriotic. The last thing that I am going to do is worry about educating mindless cult-followers.
I have no problem with differing political beliefs. I'm just not wasting my time on demented tRump cult worshippers.

America can't work very well like that.
Last night a local couple was shot at over a Biden bumper sticker on their vehicle while driving home from having dinner at a local restaurant. The bullet grazed the driver head, but didnt lodge in the skull. This act of violent stupidity epitomizes what tRump incites in his
Now, please tell me again about these "non violent" trump worshipping nutjobs.
Let's do some comparisons and see which side deserves the Assholes of the Century title.

I'll start:

Let's do some comparisons and see which side deserves the Assholes of the Century title.

I'll start:

The fact that you would support a shooting over a bumper sticker speaks volumes about your lack of character. Then again, you are a tRump cultfollower so that pretty much answers that.
The fact that you would support a shooting over a bumper sticker speaks volumes about your lack of character. Then again, you are a tRump cultfollower so that pretty much answers that.
You have to look at this shit in its totality, you fucking nanny statist. One incident with one crackpot pales in comparison to what your side is doing.

Shall we continue?