You cant even be somewhat serious and realistic. Your demonrats are for open borders. They fight against the wall and push for open and unfeddered migration INCLUDING giving every ILLEGAL health insurance. They are also for sanctuary cities to protect ILLEGALS from deportation.
Your demonrats are against fossil fuels and seek to eliminate coal and oil in favor of renewable energy like wind and solar. Even your sarcastic punch at my love for pollution is proof of this. Hillary admitted it and it cost her the election in 2016.
Nobody cares about guns? Liar! Ask Virginia. As soon as you demonrats gained majorities in the state house and senate it was the FIRST thing you did. Gun control. Wow you are gullible , blind, or complicit.
Finally socialism does exist.all your candidates are pushing a highly socialist agenda including Bernie who is openly socialist. If it doesn't exist then why does he call himself a socialist. Why did he visit the USSR for his honeymoon. What does the third s in ussr stand for? Come on dude
Do you know who is for open borders...nobody? Stop that lie.
The Dems are for alternative energy. It has several positives. it is cleaner and will help slow down climate change and provide many more jobs than fossil fuel creates. You care about jobs, don't you?
What country is socialist? Provide a list and we can talk. My observation is all advanced countries are a mix. European countries have companies and corporations and the people work and move jobs when it advantages them. They just have a more equitable way of distributing wealth. They provide healthcare and safety nets. Do you call that socialist? You do not even know what it is.
Guns are an imaginary problem. No serious candidate wants to take your metal security blanket away. They know it is impossible. We just don't want dangerous and crazy people to have them. Is that your problem? Do you fall into those groups?
I asked Virginia and discovered states cannot talk.