LOL. Redneck Rash?


Staff member
Congressional Staffers are urged to get certain immunizations before going to NASCAR races...

Congress considers
Concord hazardous?

House aides visiting racetrack
advised to get immunized

McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON --NASCAR fans might seem rabid, but are they actually contagious?

Getting a hepatitis shot is standard procedure for travelers to parts of Africa and Asia, but some congressional aides were instructed to get immunized before going to Lowe's Motor Speedway in Concord and the racetrack in Talladega, Ala.

The House Homeland Security Committee planned a fact-finding trip about public health preparedness at mass gatherings and decided to conduct the research at two of the nation's most heavily attended sporting events, NASCAR's Bank of America 500 event this weekend and the UAW-Ford 500 last weekend.

Staff who organized the trips advised the NASCAR-bound aides to get a range of vaccines before attending -- hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza.

More at link...

Not a bad idea.

I'd recommend a penicillin bath after a NASCAR race, actually.

Or better yet, just not ever ever ever going to a NASCAR race.
Well, I have a new arsenal of jokes. Like USC, I have no idea what they are really like in person.
all I know is that virtually all men around here are not to be dragged away from the TV when NASCAR is on....
Are you fucking serious? Talladega could burn down tomorrow with every NASCAR fan in it and I wouldn't give a damn.

I am very serious. I however am abbienermal in that respect since in principle I agree with you.
It comes from my not worshiping any group of gods.

However what if terrorists burned it down ?
How would you feel then ?
Now you're just being weird. It was obviously a hyperbole.

But since you asked, how would you feel?

a valid question. and I will admit I would feel more anger, etc if it was done by terrorists than by a drunk setting a gas tank on fire.
Not sure alltogether why that is though....
a valid question. and I will admit I would feel more anger, etc if it was done by terrorists than by a drunk setting a gas tank on fire.
Not sure alltogether why that is though....

Yeah same I just didn't wanna say it. But our anger is self defeating. The drunk isn't trying to get a rise out of you. Al Qaeda is.
Congressional Staffers are urged to get certain immunizations before going to NASCAR races...

Congress considers
Concord hazardous?

House aides visiting racetrack
advised to get immunized

McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON --NASCAR fans might seem rabid, but are they actually contagious?

Getting a hepatitis shot is standard procedure for travelers to parts of Africa and Asia, but some congressional aides were instructed to get immunized before going to Lowe's Motor Speedway in Concord and the racetrack in Talladega, Ala.

The House Homeland Security Committee planned a fact-finding trip about public health preparedness at mass gatherings and decided to conduct the research at two of the nation's most heavily attended sporting events, NASCAR's Bank of America 500 event this weekend and the UAW-Ford 500 last weekend.

Staff who organized the trips advised the NASCAR-bound aides to get a range of vaccines before attending -- hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza.

More at link...

That's pretty insulting to the regular fans, actually, isn't it! Why are these people going to the race, anyway?
WASHINGTON --NASCAR fans might seem rabid, but are they actually contagious?

Judging from the number of "Bush/Cheney" bumperstickers on the cars in parking lots at NASCAR events, there must be some sort of collective, or communicable, mental illness risk.
WASHINGTON --NASCAR fans might seem rabid, but are they actually contagious?

Judging from the number of "Bush/Cheney" bumperstickers on the cars in parking lots at NASCAR events, there must be some sort of collective, or communicable, mental illness risk.

Have not been to an event, but judging from the local fans I have to agree.

I flew a Cessna over Talladega once. It felt dirty. When I got home I showered. That's as close as I've been to NASCAR. :)

Oh my a Cessna 150,175.180..all are for wannabee pilots..try a Mustang P51 when ya have the hours and experience to fly one!...Until then ya are a juvenile pretender..student Pilot...end of story! guy!

And for Thorn..did you not brag about racing the 1/4 mile with the hubby in another thread?
Now you are caving into pc..?..Ya lost alot of points on this one...not that it matters...ya are probably a fraud Kerry and Gore!:p
Oh my a Cessna 150,175.180..all are for wannabee pilots..try a Mustang P51 when ya have the hours and experience to fly one!...Until then ya are a juvenile pretender..student Pilot...end of story! guy!

Lol fuck yourself it was a little Cessna 172 and I had to complete the flight time for military school. My dad has his pilots license and I have no desire to go through all that extra bullshit.

I'm not pretending to be shit. Never claimed to be a fighter pilot or anything. It's not a big deal at all, and I would have said I drove past Talladega but it would have been untrue.
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