LOL @ the UK



On the left is the USS Nimitz. We have about 11 aircraft carriers of this size. On the right is an HMS "Invincible" class carrier. This is the largest ship the UK Navy, and the only ship of its size. It is the only aircraft carrier in the Navy, although as of now they've decommissioned the specialized Harriet II aircraft which were the only fixed wing aircraft capable of launching from such a tiny ship, so it's currently actually operating as a helicopter carrier.
The new UK carriers that they're working on are suppoesed to be equal to the Nimitz class. Except we plan on phasing the Nimitz carriers out for the George Bush or George Washington class (it's George something, damned if I can remember).

France is also looking to add a 3rd, more modern carrier to its fleet, and Russia is going to build (supposedly) 2 more Kuznetsov class carriers.

Though the state of the Royal Navy these days....tsk tsk.
i love america.

and i love what we spend on our armed forces is like more than 17 countries combined O_o

americans just really like blowing shit up. that's a fact
The new UK carriers that they're working on are suppoesed to be equal to the Nimitz class. Except we plan on phasing the Nimitz carriers out for the George Bush or George Washington class (it's George something, damned if I can remember).

pleeeeease make it the george bush class. LOL so many aneurysms will have been had
The Queen Elizabeth class will have a displacement of around 65k, and the cutoff for being considered a supercarrier is usually around 70k. It would make it the largest non-American aircraft carrier, though. However, the current Conservative government plans to scrap or sell one of them shortly after construction, so that would leave them with one. It also doesn't use nuclear propulsion (because the impoverished British couldn't afford it), which means that it constantly has to stop for fuel, limiting it's usefulness in comparison to an American carrier. However, it is a huge step up from the pathetic Invincible class.

The future French aircraft carrier, on the other hand, if constructed, will at least be above 70k displacement, and could use nuclear propulsion. Once again, France has it's act together far better than the British.

On the left is the USS Nimitz. We have about 11 aircraft carriers of this size. On the right is an HMS "Invincible" class carrier. This is the largest ship the UK Navy, and the only ship of its size. It is the only aircraft carrier in the Navy, although as of now they've decommissioned the specialized Harriet II aircraft which were the only fixed wing aircraft capable of launching from such a tiny ship, so it's currently actually operating as a helicopter carrier.

I thought that the Nimitz had launched one of it's lifeboats and it was alongside the Nimitz during an exercise.
My bad. :palm:
The current British plans until the Queen Elizabeth class carriers are commissioned is basically to rely on the French. I suppose when one special relationship fails, you have to rely on another more powerful country to support your pathetic ass.
Europe seriously needs to re-militarize. Europe thinks that there is no need to be seriously committed to it's own defense, that it can simply constantly pass the buck to the United States. However, the United States is not going to be able to take on the rest of the world by itself for much longer. A broader US-Europe alliance is needed, with Europe participating as a serious and good faith partner, if we want to see anything besides a few centuries of getting pushed around by China come 2040. Perhaps the US would be more willing to take European interests into account if Europe contributed anything close to a proportionate share of our collective defense, rather than being our useless allies who we sometimes align with when it suits us.
Europe seriously needs to re-militarize. Europe thinks that there is no need to be seriously committed to it's own defense, that it can simply constantly pass the buck to the United States. However, the United States is not going to be able to take on the rest of the world by itself for much longer. A broader US-Europe alliance is needed, with Europe participating as a serious and good faith partner, if we want to see anything besides a few centuries of getting pushed around by China come 2040. Perhaps the US would be more willing to take European interests into account if Europe contributed anything close to a proportionate share of our collective defense, rather than being our useless allies who we sometimes align with when it suits us.

Good grief, it seems that overnight you have turned into a right wing idealogue. For your information, Billy and I discussed all of this a little while a go, there are many in the UK that are totally dismayed that the Harriers could be sold off so cheaply to the US Navy especially when there is no immediate replacement . We now are waiting for the JSF which is rapidly looking like a white elephant in the making.
Good grief, it seems that overnight you have turned into a right wing idealogue. For your information, Billy and I discussed all of this a little while a go, there are many in the UK that are totally dismayed that the Harriers could be sold off so cheaply to the US Navy especially when there is no immediate replacement . We now are waiting for the JSF which is rapidly looking like a white elephant in the making.

It all comes from putting a schoolboy and his fag in charge of something bigger than a two man scull.

Jolly boating weather,
And a hay harvest breeze,
Blade on the feather,
Shade off the trees,
Swing swing together,
With your bodies between your knees,
Swing swing together,
With your bodies between your knees.

(knock, knock: a fag enters the room of Head of Pops, Cammers.) You're toast, Cammers.
Cammers: What?
Fag: Your toast.
It all comes from putting a schoolboy and his fag in charge of something bigger than a two man scull.

Jolly boating weather,
And a hay harvest breeze,
Blade on the feather,
Shade off the trees,
Swing swing together,
With your bodies between your knees,
Swing swing together,
With your bodies between your knees.

(knock, knock: a fag enters the room of Head of Pops, Cammers.) You're toast, Cammers.
Cammers: What?
Fag: Your toast.

Blair is too busy these days getting his snout in the trough and Brown hasn't been seen at all.
Good grief, it seems that overnight you have turned into a right wing idealogue. For your information, Billy and I discussed all of this a little while a go, there are many in the UK that are totally dismayed that the Harriers could be sold off so cheaply to the US Navy especially when there is no immediate replacement . We now are waiting for the JSF which is rapidly looking like a white elephant in the making.

Yeah, the JSF is the greatest project in the history of trolling EVER.