Look at all the stupid losers trolling. Trump is gone, you can go home now loser scum

They are just starting gotcha thread after gotcha thread. Notably absent is a single policy discussion.
They are just starting gotcha thread after gotcha thread. Notably absent is a single policy discussion.

Yeah,.... because as we all know that never happened from the other side. :rolleyes:

Holy FUCK. Talk about living in a dream world...

Yeah,.... because as we all know that never happened from the other side. :rolleyes:

Holy FUCK. Talk about living in a dream world...


How's that martial law going Stoney? How's your civil war coming?

ROTFLMFAO!!! You are the biggest loser here.
They are just starting gotcha thread after gotcha thread. Notably absent is a single policy discussion.

I did see one thread bleating about ermagawd the trannies are coming, but that's about it. Just a bunch of lying and whining about Biden. Not much different than when #LOSER45 was in the WH. "He's so great, he's done great things, the economy is so great because of Trump" -- but in four years I've never been able to get one of them to nail down a single policy, act, EO, or anything that the Toadstool did that helped the economy. And we all know he didn't do jack shit for the pandemic.
They are just starting gotcha thread after gotcha thread. Notably absent is a single policy discussion.

Let’s be honest, if you want policy discussion this is the wrong board. But do you expect it to be any different now than how liberals were when Trump was President? Or conservatives when Obama was President?
Yeah,.... because as we all know that never happened from the other side. :rolleyes:

Holy FUCK. Talk about living in a dream world...

thank you for acknowledging you just can't rise above, but will be just as petty as those you've whined about over the past four years.