Look at all the stupid losers trolling. Trump is gone, you can go home now loser scum

Let’s be honest, if you want policy discussion this is the wrong board. But do you expect it to be any different now than how liberals were when Trump was President? Or conservatives when Obama was President?

In a word...Y-E-S!

I am often told that GOP voters are much more civil than their Democrat counterparts.
I've noticed that there hasn't been a bunch of bullshit stupidity and outrageous crap from 1600 for the last three days.
It smells like sanity. What happened? Losers.:palm:
In a word...Y-E-S!

I am often told that GOP voters are much more civil than their Democrat counterparts.

Shouldn't Biden be employing his entire family and granting morons security clearances and appointing Jim Cary
chairman of the joint chiefs while tweeting about the cover of People Mag and whatever pisses him off on Access Hollywood?
Wow, the tard *finally* achieved something notable! Best in class in the short bus category. :laugh:

This thread is an example of the insane left. You deserve what you will get.

Angering Canada and putting all their people out of work and not to mention the waste of the equipment already used and in place. The idiots have put a monster in power and I hope they really like what they are gonna get.

Killed the pipeline and thousands of jobs.
killed womens sports.
ordered the release of all ICE detainees.
Signed EO to allow perverts in womens rest rooms.
Business killing minimum wage hike.
Appointed a musslim terrorist ambassador to Israel.
Took the Churchill bust out angering the British.

And that just three days in for this garbage.
Nobody plays with desperate right wing trolls spamming forum. :(

Hell hath no fury like a Trumptard scorned!