Look at what this tourist is doing with the leaning tower of Pisa!


Yeah if you go on the internet there are thousands of pictures of dumb tourists "holding up" the leaning tower of Pisa. This is a parody of that. If you understood that you'd know that my enthusiastic title was meant to make anyone who knew about the phenomenon roll there eyes because I was supposedly about to post one of those pictures, and then they'd really get this.

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I'll bet people in Pisa just hate tourists. If I lived there I would get people to pay me money to take those crappy pictures for them.
It sure is an interesting site, being the most famous engineering blunders.
You know what makes me wonder is how many great engineering discoveries were a result of engineering blunders?

When I was a resarch assistant at OSU's materials engineering department a grad student forgot about an experiment in which he was heating aluminum metal in a porcelain crucible. He pluged the wrong info into the temp controller and for 6 hours heated the aluminum well above it's melting point. Ruined the experiment and the lining of the oven (a $7,000 mistake).

He then got the bright idea of examining the crucble under an SEM and discovered that the aluminum metal had filled in the pores in the porcelain crucible. He repeated that several times by inserting pieces of ceramic into motlen aluminum and soaking it for a period of time. He then wrote a paper on it and then filed a patent for a composite product now known as C4 (Co-Continous Composite Ceramic).

He was subsequently offered a 6 figure salary from a Tech firm and has made millions off his patent which was the result of a bone headed fuck up. LOL
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You know what makes me wonder is how many great engineering discoveries were a result of engineering blunders?

When I was a resarch assistant at OSU's materials engineering department a grad student forgot about an experiment in which he was heating aluminum metal in a porcelain crucible. He pluged the wrong info into the temp controller and for 6 hours heated the aluminum well above it's melting point. Ruined the experiment and the lining of the oven (a $7,000 mistake).

He then got the bright idea of examining the crucble under an SEM and discovered that the aluminum metal had filled in the pores in the porcelain crucible. He repeated that several times by inserting pieces of ceramic into motlen aluminum and soaking it for a period of time. He then wrote a paper on it and then filed a patent for a composite product now known as C4 (Co-Continous Composite Ceramic).

He was subsequently offered a 6 figure salary from a Tech firm and has made millions off his patent which was the result of a bone headed fuck up. LOL

Sure, lots of engineering discoveries are made investigating screw-ups. One wonders how many medical discoveries have been missed by doctors burying evidence of their screw ups.
Sure, lots of engineering discoveries are made investigating screw-ups. One wonders how many medical discoveries have been missed by doctors burying evidence of their screw ups.
That brings up another question. How many medical discoveries have been missed because families refuse to permit an autopsy after a family member passes away?
That brings up another question. How many medical discoveries have been missed because families refuse to permit an autopsy after a family member passes away?
Also a good question, however, to usurp the wishes of the family in cases where there is no suspicion of foul play smacks of a totalitarian state.

The Southern Man will likely donate his body to science in order that a future generation can marvel at this masterpiece. :cof1:
Also a good question, however, to usurp the wishes of the family in cases where there is no suspicion of foul play smacks of a totalitarian state.

The Southern Man will likely donate his body to science in order that a future generation can marvel at this masterpiece. :cof1:

I admire a man that reeks humility...