Look at what this tourist is doing with the leaning tower of Pisa!

I have to watch it. I am getting in big trouble with admiring the things you and Dixie say from time to time.

Mott's calling me a guy and Beefy's trying the shame flame.

I don't agree with EVERYTHING you guys say!!! :pke:

"You guys". You Californians must learn to use the more proper "you all", specially when you are addressing a female or not sure. :cof1:
Tis me. In my defense, it was a little chilly that day.....


And you know what they say about "shrinkage"....

Also a good question, however, to usurp the wishes of the family in cases where there is no suspicion of foul play smacks of a totalitarian state.

The Southern Man will likely donate his body to science in order that a future generation can marvel at this masterpiece. :cof1:
Obviously you can't oppose a families wishes but it's amazing how many people are uninformed about the values of autopsies. They have some pretty bizarre notions as to why they are performed.
Obviously you can't oppose a families wishes but it's amazing how many people are uninformed about the values of autopsies. They have some pretty bizarre notions as to why they are performed.
I've been in a Gross Anatomy lab before and they ain't a fun place to be. :eek:
I have to watch it. I am getting in big trouble with admiring the things you and Dixie say from time to time.

Mott's calling me a guy and Beefy's trying the shame flame.

I don't agree with EVERYTHING you guys say!!! :pke:
I can understand you're not agreeing with some of the things SM and Dixie say....what I can't understand is your agreeing with ANYTHING Dixie would say! LOL
"You guys". You Californians must learn to use the more proper "you all", specially when you are addressing a female or not sure. :cof1:

I'm down with "you all." Its just that you Southern morons butcher the pronunciation and say "y'all," which is retarded!