Looking ahead to the college football season.

Today is the Third Saturday in October. The day the Crimson Tide traditionally plays the TN Volunteers.

Trivia tidbit for you all. There have never been pics or videos of a Vols victory over the Crimson Tide recorded on an iPhone.

O-H: I-O

Ohio State University

:yay: :woot:

That was a pretty exciting game. I was glad to see PSU and TCU lose, because it helps Notre Dame.
Mott, I saw that OSU is picked to beat Penn State. How is y'all's run defense?
Pretty good it appears. Shutdown the best damned running back in the country... and Barclays is the best running back in the country. Now if our special teams could play that well. OSU’s defense played great last night. They only gave up 21 points to a great PSU offense . Offensive turnovers and special team fuck ups gave PSU 17 points.

What can you say about Barret? He pretty much has to be front runner for the Heisman right now. OSU’s offense and defense are much improved since the OK game. Our special teams? Not so much. Our defensive line is phenomenally good.

How about the Tide? Other than TAMU they’re schedule has been minor league weak. You’ll actually play a real team next week. So far GA appears to be the better team. Though they’re schedule is only one team better than Bama’s right now.

The SEC has got to start playing 9 conference games and no Div 2 teams or it will eventually bite them in the ass. If Bama and UGA go into the SEC Championship game and UGA wins no way Bama would be selected for the playoffs given how weak their schedule has been this season.
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After a quality day of football, I tuned into the WSU game. It must be really hard for Cougar fans to have such an idiot for a coach as Mike Leach.
Pretty good it appears. Shutdown the best damned running back in the country... and Barclays is the best running back in the country. Now if our special teams could play that well. OSU’s defense played great last night. They only gave up 21 points to a great PSU offense . Offensive turnovers and special team fuck ups gave PSU 17 points.

What can you say about Barret? He pretty much has to be front runner for the Heisman right now. OSU’s offense and defense are much improved since the OK game. Our special teams? Not so much. Our defensive line is phenomenally good.

How about the Tide? Other than TAMU they’re schedule has been minor league weak. You’ll actually play a real team next week. So far GA appears to be the better team. Though they’re schedule is only one team better than Bama’s right now.

The SEC has got to start playing 9 conference games and no Div 2 teams or it will eventually bite them in the ass. If Bama and UGA go into the SEC Championship game and UGA wins no way Bama would be selected for the playoffs given how weak their schedule has been this season.

I agree that we all need to play 9 conference games. But playing conference games is no guarantee that we will have quality games. We have played 5 conference games already, and none of them are considered quality wins.

Although, FL State was a quality win, imho. But we broke their QB, so they have been terrible since the opening day. They went 10-3 last year and Francois was supposed to be the best QB they have had in a while.

4 games left and we play LSU, MS State and Auburn. Then, likely, Georgia in the SEC Championship. It is hard to see LSU as a quality team, after losing to Troy.
I agree that we all need to play 9 conference games. But playing conference games is no guarantee that we will have quality games. We have played 5 conference games already, and none of them are considered quality wins.

Although, FL State was a quality win, imho. But we broke their QB, so they have been terrible since the opening day. They went 10-3 last year and Francois was supposed to be the best QB they have had in a while.

4 games left and we play LSU, MS State and Auburn. Then, likely, Georgia in the SEC Championship. It is hard to see LSU as a quality team, after losing to Troy.
Unless they beat you. OSU still needs to improve. Meyer needs to fix what’s wrong with our special teams before they cost us a game.
Unless they beat you. OSU still needs to improve. Meyer needs to fix what’s wrong with our special teams before they cost us a game.

Sure. That is always a possibility. But LSU has already lost one conference game. Another conference loss and Bama would still be in the SEC Championship.

But I don't think they have the guns to beat Bama.
LSU sucks completely. There is no one in the west to remotely challenge Alabubba, and only Georgia conference wide. Who is apparently ranked #1 in the nation.
All the top ten teams in the rankings except TCU and OK just have to win the rest of their games and their conference championship and they’re in. Big 12 is hurt by no conference championship game. Most of the top ten teams have to play another top ten team to get in the playoffs. They won’t pick two SEC teams cause their strength of schedule is too weak. I sure as hell hope the selection committee learned from its major fuck up last year in choosing OSU. OSU didn’t earn it. No team with a conference championship that doesn’t win it should ever be in the playoffs.