Looking ahead to the college football season.

A lie, by definition, is a false statement deliberately presented as being true. You've admitted to the statement/question you asked. When you said "anywhere" and placed no parameters, limits, or restrictions, it included ALL and ANY places in Atlanta.

It boils down to you didn't like my answer and you had to back step while trying to blame it on me. That's proof of your cowardice.

The "but" is an excuse. When you admit to saying something then put but after it, the only thing it can be is an excuse. Not my fault you phrased your question poorly. It is your fault that you refuse to be a man and honor it even though you don't like the answer to a question you acknowledge asking using a term that places no limits or restrictions on it.

I had already told you I would not give you any personal information. THEN you decided that my house was the only place in Atlanta you would meet me.

If that isn't hiding, I don't know what is.

But feel free to name another place. YOu have, thus far, refused to do so. You didn't like my choice. Let me know when you will be coming to Atlanta and name the place.

Oh, and I was not talking about the discussion of where we meet when I called you a liar twice over. 2 other lies.
I had already told you I would not give you any personal information. THEN you decided that my house was the only place in Atlanta you would meet me.

If that isn't hiding, I don't know what is.

But feel free to name another place. YOu have, thus far, refused to do so. You didn't like my choice. Let me know when you will be coming to Atlanta and name the place.

Oh, and I was not talking about the discussion of where we meet when I called you a liar twice over. 2 other lies.

You didn't put that limit in until AFTER I named the place, liar.

The quote you admitted to saying didn't have any exclusions now you want to lie and say it did. I named the place. YOU didn't like my choice. We both know why you backstepped.
You didn't put that limit in until AFTER I named the place, liar.

The quote you admitted to saying didn't have any exclusions now you want to lie and say it did. I named the place. YOU didn't like my choice. We both know why you backstepped.

Are you daft? Did you really expect me to send you my HOME ADDRESS? What kind of fool would do that? No junior, my place was out of the question. I didn't exclude the middle of I-285 at rush hour, the precinct sidewalk for the APD, or the lion enclosure at the Atlanta Zoo either. Feel free to make those your next choices.

And, of course, you want to harp on about this. The first thing you asked for was my phone number. I laughed at that and told you I would not give you any personal info. You want to stay with my place as the only place you will meet me? Where are you? I've been here almost every day, and you have never showed.

Feel free to name a rational place. I didn't put exclusions on it because I didn't think you were THAT big an idiot. I shouldn't have underestimated you like that. YOu aren't ever going to show. That is why you treat the location like an online trolling. "You didn't have any exclusions, WinterBorn, so I win!" lol

Let me know if you grow a pair. Name a location.
Are you daft? Did you really expect me to send you my HOME ADDRESS? What kind of fool would do that? No junior, my place was out of the question. I didn't exclude the middle of I-285 at rush hour, the precinct sidewalk for the APD, or the lion enclosure at the Atlanta Zoo either. Feel free to make those your next choices.

And, of course, you want to harp on about this. The first thing you asked for was my phone number. I laughed at that and told you I would not give you any personal info. You want to stay with my place as the only place you will meet me? Where are you? I've been here almost every day, and you have never showed.

Feel free to name a rational place. I didn't put exclusions on it because I didn't think you were THAT big an idiot. I shouldn't have underestimated you like that. YOu aren't ever going to show. That is why you treat the location like an online trolling. "You didn't have any exclusions, WinterBorn, so I win!" lol

Let me know if you grow a pair. Name a location.

I named one when you said ANYWHERE. YOU admitted you said ANYWHERE. If you're not man enough to honor YOUR words, let me know. When you say ANYWHERE, nothing is out of the question.

You didn't put exclusions because you didn't think I would provide that answer. Now you want to try and make it my fault for providing an answer that's included in ANYWHERE.

Let me know when you'll honor YOUR words. When your support a team with so many questionable players then make excuses for those players when they commit crimes, it's not hard to tell you aren't honorable.
I named one when you said ANYWHERE. YOU admitted you said ANYWHERE. If you're not man enough to honor YOUR words, let me know. When you say ANYWHERE, nothing is out of the question.

You didn't put exclusions because you didn't think I would provide that answer. Now you want to try and make it my fault for providing an answer that's included in ANYWHERE.

Let me know when you'll honor YOUR words. When your support a team with so many questionable players then make excuses for those players when they commit crimes, it's not hard to tell you aren't honorable.

This shows you haven't the balls to actually show. Yes, I will be happy to meet you. But no one in their right mind would give their home address to a crazy stranger online.

But, as I said, if that the only place you will meet me, let me know when you will be here. That is your choice. I'll be there. Come on down, if you have the balls.
This shows you haven't the balls to actually show. Yes, I will be happy to meet you. But no one in their right mind would give their home address to a crazy stranger online.

But, as I said, if that the only place you will meet me, let me know when you will be here. That is your choice. I'll be there. Come on down, if you have the balls.

What it shows is you're not man enough to honor YOUR word. It's that simple and easy to understand.

Maybe you'll learn to phrase your questions better or continue to make excuses when you don't like the answer to the ones you ask.
What it shows is you're not man enough to honor YOUR word. It's that simple and easy to understand.

Maybe you'll learn to phrase your questions better or continue to make excuses when you don't like the answer to the ones you ask.

Fine. I am honoring my word. I'll meet you there. Let me know when.
Am I supposed to guess?

Why would you have to guess? YOu said "I named one when you said ANYWHERE", right? And you wanted me to honor what I said. So I am honoring it.

Do you remember the place you named? You have been harping on it. When will you be there? Just let me know.
Why would you have to guess? YOu said "I named one when you said ANYWHERE", right? And you wanted me to honor what I said. So I am honoring it.

Do you remember the place you named? You have been harping on it. When will you be there? Just let me know.

I also remember you said you wouldn't provide it.
Provide it? You named a place. I am agreeing to it. Now you want me to provide more? WTF? YOu named a place you can't find? Not my problem. Put up or shut up.

It's no wonder your wife died. She got tired of being married to someone that was a bigger pussy than she had.
It's no wonder your wife died. She got tired of being married to someone that was a bigger pussy than she had.

Pussy? I am ready to meet you anywhere. Just like I said. You named a place. Now let me know when. If you were so stupid as to name a place you can't find, that is not my problem. Put up or shut up.

Or do you need me to pay for your gas too? Maybe you want me to pay for the Uber to bring you? YOu named the place and were all pissy about me not wanting that place. Now I am agreeing to it. Come on, junior. You said you can go where you please and do what you want. Meet me at the place you named. Just let me know when.
Whats wrong, junior? Scared? Maybe you named a location you knew I would not give you the address to, so you wouldn't have to actually show up?

Well, I am ready to meet you anywhere in Atlanta. If you don't like your first choice, name another. (I reserve the right to say 'No' to stupid places)

So come on, big man. Put up or shut up. You named the place now meet me there or name another place.
Ok, time to put this bullshit to bed.

I went back and scrolled thru some older threads.

The first time I offered to me you was in the thread "College Football" started by cawacko on 9/1/16 at 11:31pm.

You called me a pussy and I offered to meet you if you are ever in Atlanta.

Your response? Post #154 – posted on 9/14/16 at 8:33am
“I already know how much of a pussy you are. You've done nothing but whine like a pussy.

I'll need contact information.”

To which I replied: "Post #155 – posted on 9/14/16 at 8:50am
“This site will suffice. I'm certainly not giving you my cell number or address.”

So your claims that I said I would not give you my address after you said you would meet me at my house is an outright lie.

So you picked my home, after I had said I would not provide you with my cell phone or my address. I did not say I would meet you anywhere until later. So the ground rules were already set.

But you locked in on the location I would not give you. Then crowed and strutted around calling me a coward ect, when YOU were the one who picked the one place I had already said I would not provide.

In other words, you not only never intended to meet me, you were scared to either do it or admit it.

Now I am saying I will meet you at my house. I told you on 9/14/16 that I would not provide you with my home address. But you still insist on that being the only place you will meet me. So meet me. Or admit you are a scared little boy who only talks shit via a keyboard.

Are we done here, junior?
Here is a potential situation that will have you going crazy again, Mott.

If both Alabama and Georgia win out in the rest of their regular season games, and the SEC Championship is a close game (as I expect it will be), there is the potential for both teams to be included in the College Football playoffs. Notre Dame has already lost to GA once, and could do so again.

Anyone ready to see another all SEC Championship game?
That won’t happen if Alabama wins the SEC west and SEC Championship. Things tend to work themselves out though I think the playoff committee made a huge mistake selecting OSU last year. No team that didn’t win their conference has earned the privilege of playing in the CFP.