Looks Like Asshat


...was in New Hampshire yesterday:

"Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign stop was interrupted Monday when two men stood in the crowd and began screaming, "Iron my shirt!" during one of her final appearances before the New Hampshire primary.

Clinton, a former first lady running to become the nation's first female president, laughed at the seemingly sexist protest that suggested a woman's place is doing the laundry and not running the country.

"Ah, the remnants of sexism _ alive and well," Clinton said to applause in a school auditorium.

Sounds staged. All the people that are pissed off at Clinton over her support for the war and would go to the effort to protest her appearance and a couple of rubes get in to deliver a stupid message about ironing their shirt?
Did you see how orderly those guys left. Seems fishy.

So an orderly exit is fishy, however a candidate that has been known to write racist newsletters, consort with white supremacists and keep their donations doesn't even raise an eyebrow?

Hmmmm....I find myself agreeing with both the idea that this is very fishy, and that Ron Paul is probably a racist...
hola lorax! Where ya been hiding lately?

Hey, LadyT! I've been popping in & out, though not with as much frequency. Work's been busy. Also, I have actually had "hope" recently when it comes to politics, which is a strange, unknown emotion for me to experience when it comes to that topic. It's sort of undermining my perpetual frustration with our leaders, which, in turn, is generally my impetus to post...
I think the big Hillary pile-on is a bit unseemly. She’s not my candidate of choice either, but this is a bit too much. She faked this she faked that, she’s sneaky, she’s controlling, she’s barely human. I mean, I actually heard a news broadcaster yesterday, and I mean a news announcer, not a talk show host, start a story with “Hillary Clinton did something today she has never done before; showed human emotion.”
I've lost all hope. a) We'll be in Iraq 4ever b) I'm still going to be paying a $hit load in taxes
I think the big Hillary pile-on is a bit unseemly. She’s not my candidate of choice either, but this is a bit too much. She faked this she faked that, she’s sneaky, she’s controlling, she’s barely human. I mean, I actually heard a news broadcaster yesterday, and I mean a news announcer, not a talk show host, start a story with “Hillary Clinton did something today she has never done before; showed human emotion.”

I know what you're saying. Unfortunately, it's kind of what the media does.

I have to admit to having a hard time feeling too much sympathy for Hillary. It isn't like she hasn't earned a certain degree of skepticism. Still, it's kind of crazy how quickly & overwhelmingly the pile-on developed in recent days. "Unseemly" is a good word for it...
More nonsense from the Hillary haters. Every single fucking thing that ever takes place during the campaign is apparently an orchestrated effort of the Clinton campaign. Man takes staffers hostage? Clinton staged it. Men yell sexist insults? Clinton did it. Etc. . .

It's simply unpossible that two sexist men showed up to an open Clinton event to hurl sexist insults at her. Unpossible.
I know what you're saying. Unfortunately, it's kind of what the media does.

I have to admit to having a hard time feeling too much sympathy for Hillary. It isn't like she hasn't earned a certain degree of skepticism. Still, it's kind of crazy how quickly & overwhelmingly the pile-on developed in recent days. "Unseemly" is a good word for it...

They should be careful Onceler, they’ll cause a backlash among white women. It can happen. I said last year that if history were any judge, Obama would win ahead of Hillary because historically black men have gained rights before white women have, and I have seen black intellectual feminists make the case that sexism is a stronger historical force in our country than racism, and they have been convincing. Gloria Steinman wrote an op-ed in today’s NY Times reflecting just that, though she is openly supporting Hillary, she makes valid points.

If I see a brutal pile-on, I’ll vote for her. It won’t take much to get that hornet’s nest stirring. Latent resentments surface fast.
"because historically black men have gained rights before white women have, and I have seen black intellectual feminists make the case that sexism is a stronger historical force in our country than racism"

That's a really interesting argument.

My first thought on that is that there is some truth to it, though I think racism is fundamentally different from sexism. In other words, sexism might be more ingrained, because it really goes back not just thousands, but 10's of thousands of years, while racist feelings are likely more intense and fear-based. It's different thinking that women are, for lack of a better term, "second-class citizens," or that they have a more subservient role to play in the male-female relationship, and thinking that blacks are sub-human and not worthy of any place in society beyond slave or servant.

Some of the things we've seen in this campaign, historic as it has been, have really reinforced the problems women & minorities still experience in America. I think one of your "stupid Americans" threads yesterday mentioned a few. As long as we're still talking in terms of "black candidate" and "woman candidate," it's probably a good indicator that we still have some issues there.....
I think the big Hillary pile-on is a bit unseemly. She’s not my candidate of choice either, but this is a bit too much. She faked this she faked that, she’s sneaky, she’s controlling, she’s barely human. I mean, I actually heard a news broadcaster yesterday, and I mean a news announcer, not a talk show host, start a story with “Hillary Clinton did something today she has never done before; showed human emotion.”

I did not say it was faked. I said it seemed that it might be. I stand by that until provided more info. It would nice to see if someone can get some background on the guys. They were all smiles and left without the least bit of resistance.

I know many REAL lefties that hate Hillary with a passion I don't feel about her. They would try to disrupt her events. Her event in Oakland went off with out a hitch as far as I know and she is not well liked in the bay area. We all know how tightly these things are controlled nowadays by most candidates. But somehow a couple idiots get nearly in the first row with a criticism that is completely pathetic.

It seems fishy to me.
Hey, LadyT! I've been popping in & out, though not with as much frequency. Work's been busy. Also, I have actually had "hope" recently when it comes to politics, which is a strange, unknown emotion for me to experience when it comes to that topic. It's sort of undermining my perpetual frustration with our leaders, which, in turn, is generally my impetus to post...

I told you to stop being a gloomy Gus, and take those earlier state and national polls with a grain of salt. :)
I told you to stop being a gloomy Gus, and take those earlier state and national polls with a grain of salt. :)

It was topspin. He had me convinced that Hillary was a done deal. :clink:

Kinda funny that he was saying that the Iowa results wouldn't do much to affect things either way....
It was topspin. He had me convinced that Hillary was a done deal. :clink:

Kinda funny that he was saying that the Iowa results wouldn't do much to affect things either way....

It looks like obama is going to blow out Hillary in NH and South Carolina. I guess she could still have a shot on super tuesday.

It is kind of disturbing how the wise old men of the media punditry have been jumping on Hillary. Mathews in particular bugs the crap out of me with the hillary hate. For the "crying" crap, among other things. I watched that video, and she didn't shed one single tear. It wasn't "crying". If a man did that, they would have said he "choked up" and moved on. I think the observation that women might empathize with hillary is correct. I remember that Fazio debate, where he invaded her space, and women totally reacted to that. But, as it stands now, the anti-hillary vote appears to be surging.
...was in New Hampshire yesterday:

"Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign stop was interrupted Monday when two men stood in the crowd and began screaming, "Iron my shirt!" during one of her final appearances before the New Hampshire primary.

Clinton, a former first lady running to become the nation's first female president, laughed at the seemingly sexist protest that suggested a woman's place is doing the laundry and not running the country.

"Ah, the remnants of sexism _ alive and well," Clinton said to applause in a school auditorium.



Man, those guys are awesome. That sounds like something I'd do.
I did not say it was faked. I said it seemed that it might be. I stand by that until provided more info. It would nice to see if someone can get some background on the guys. They were all smiles and left without the least bit of resistance.

I know many REAL lefties that hate Hillary with a passion I don't feel about her. They would try to disrupt her events. Her event in Oakland went off with out a hitch as far as I know and she is not well liked in the bay area. We all know how tightly these things are controlled nowadays by most candidates. But somehow a couple idiots get nearly in the first row with a criticism that is completely pathetic.

It seems fishy to me.
I don't know if you noticed but the last time a guy publicly failed to leave a political event when asked he was heard screaming "Don't taze me bro!"