Looks Like Asshat

Hmmmm....I find myself agreeing with both the idea that this is very fishy, and that Ron Paul is probably a racist...

Yet Ladyt, BAC, darla et al are the only ones promoting racial discrimination as a tool of justice, in the form of Affirmative Action. What racist policy does ron paul advocate?
To add to what others have said above, sexism is accepted to a degree whereas racism, at least open racism, is not. Could you imagine if these guys said something racist at an Obama event? If they told him to go pick cotton or something? There would be complete outrage. Instead, because it's Hillary and a sexist remark, we get chuckles and accusations that she staged it.
It looks like obama is going to blow out Hillary in NH and South Carolina. I guess she could still have a shot on super tuesday.

It is kind of disturbing how the wise old men of the media punditry have been jumping on Hillary. Mathews in particular bugs the crap out of me with the hillary hate. For the "crying" crap, among other things. I watched that video, and she didn't shed one single tear. It wasn't "crying". If a man did that, they would have said he "choked up" and moved on. I think the observation that women might empathize with hillary is correct. I remember that Fazio debate, where he invaded her space, and women totally reacted to that. But, as it stands now, the anti-hillary vote appears to be surging.
IF she loses by double digits tonight, which I don't think she will, and then loses SC which will be by double digits, I don't think she gets out but there will be a fresh infusion of donations for Obama and her kitty will have dwindled. But after Super Tuesday, and barring a miracle on that day, poke her with a fork, she is done.

Last night I watch this Republican advisor on MSNBC who was talking about how the Obama surge has really taken the wind out of the republican sails. They were looking forward to taking on Clinton and accentuating her negatives so that it was a 2 or 3 point race by November, (easier to refuse to let "felons" vote and affect the outcome when there is only a 2% point difference). I am sure that the Pubs will pick up their stride for too long, but right now it is funny watching them scratch their heads. Even funnier was hearing Romney make a comparison of himself to Obama as an outside capable of bringing about change. Always fun to watch a second generation politician call himself an outsider.
To add to what others have said above, sexism is accepted to a degree whereas racism, at least open racism, is not. Could you imagine if these guys said something racist at an Obama event? If they told him to go pick cotton or something? There would be complete outrage. Instead, because it's Hillary and a sexist remark, we get chuckles and accusations that she staged it.

The reason it seems fishy is because it plays so nicely into her hand. "oh, those evil men are picking on me", I will show I am strong by ripping off a nice little one-liner about sexism. It seems staged. Do you seriously think anyone with any intellect would actually choose that comment over blasting her for her many idiotic political positions?

I will withhold my final judgement until (if) we learn more about the background on these two men. But something tells me they will simply vanish into the night and we will not learn anything more.... because that would kind of ruin the effort.
The reason it seems fishy is because it plays so nicely into her hand. "oh, those evil men are picking on me", I will show I am strong by ripping off a nice little one-liner about sexism. It seems staged. Do you seriously think anyone with any intellect would actually choose that comment over blasting her for her many idiotic political positions?

I will withhold my final judgement until (if) we learn more about the background on these two men. But something tells me they will simply vanish into the night and we will not learn anything more.... because that would kind of ruin the effort.

What makes you think those knuckleheads have any intellect? That's an unwarranted assumption if I ever saw one.
To add to what others have said above, sexism is accepted to a degree whereas racism, at least open racism, is not. Could you imagine if these guys said something racist at an Obama event? If they told him to go pick cotton or something? There would be complete outrage. Instead, because it's Hillary and a sexist remark, we get chuckles and accusations that she staged it.

I’ve just never been able to grasp the hatred of “Hitlary” by bush voters and cons. It’s visceral; the hatred is almost at the genetic level. It doesn’t appear to be based on anything substantive.

At the policy level, Hillary is your garden variety DLC centrist democrat. Quite hawkish on foreign policy. Not exactly the type of democrat that would engender tons of rightwing hatred.

Without a shred of evidence, some bush voters claim they hate her because she’s an uber liberal “posing” as a centrist. This is pure emotional tripe. Her entire voting record is relatively and consistently pro-corporatist and hawkish.

Cons will likewise claim their hatred of her is based on her being calculating and phony. Well, hello…calculating and phony politicians come a dime a dozen. Romney? Gulliani? Bush? They’re easily in her league, or worse.

No, I think the bush voter hatred of Hillary comes from the DNA-level. It’s genetic. And I’m pretty sure it has something to do with gender, and gender roles.
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What makes you think those knuckleheads have any intellect? That's an unwarranted assumption if I ever saw one.

Given that she has staged events at past rally's, I would say it is a safe assumption that she would stage a confrontation as well.... especially one that plays right into her "Oh, I am a woman, the men are ganging up on me" rhetoric.
Ill tell you what it looked staged to me too.

Did you hear Hillary say turn on the lights?

No, I did not hear that, nor did I actually see what happened. My opinion is based on what has been posted in this thread and Hillarys past use of staged theatrics.
Honestly, while I agree there is a pile-on, Hillary, and both Clintons in general, have done nothing to earn the benefit of the doubt on this. They reported on a Hillary plant at another event just over a month ago, feeding her a "favorable" question.

She isn't Bill, and I thought he was a great President, but I remember clips of him walking along the beach in Normandy, and just "happening" across a grouping of rocks that he turned into a cross. They're kind of a disingenuous couple, when it all comes down to it.
IF she loses by double digits tonight, which I don't think she will, and then loses SC which will be by double digits, I don't think she gets out but there will be a fresh infusion of donations for Obama and her kitty will have dwindled. But after Super Tuesday, and barring a miracle on that day, poke her with a fork, she is done.

Last night I watch this Republican advisor on MSNBC who was talking about how the Obama surge has really taken the wind out of the republican sails. They were looking forward to taking on Clinton and accentuating her negatives so that it was a 2 or 3 point race by November, (easier to refuse to let "felons" vote and affect the outcome when there is only a 2% point difference). I am sure that the Pubs will pick up their stride for too long, but right now it is funny watching them scratch their heads. Even funnier was hearing Romney make a comparison of himself to Obama as an outside capable of bringing about change. Always fun to watch a second generation politician call himself an outsider.

Good points, all.

Its almost like the repukes were counting on facing Hillary. Now, picking up on the obama surge, they're arguing among themselves about who the "changiest" agent of change is, within the GOP
Ill tell you what it looked staged to me too.

Did you hear Hillary say turn on the lights?

Yeah, there's some good sleuthing desh. I wonder why she wanted the lights turned on while security sought to remove disruptful people from a crowded dark auditorium.

You fuckers are crazy. At least Desh is consistently crazy with her conspiracy theories. The rest of you are conspiracy deniers until the name Hillary or Clinton is mentioned then the Illuminati is suddenly real.

And by the way, it was a radio prank:

DH - it's not really that unreasonable to be suspicious. It's not something where a reaction would be "Hillary would never do that!"...she just did it in December....
Yeah, there's some good sleuthing desh. I wonder why she wanted the lights turned on while security sought to remove disruptful people from a crowded dark auditorium.

You fuckers are crazy. At least Desh is consistently crazy with her conspiracy theories. The rest of you are conspiracy deniers until the name Hillary or Clinton is mentioned then the Illuminati is suddenly real.

And by the way, it was a radio prank:


According to your sites, it was not as they were escorted out, it was as they stood and held up a sign that said "Iron my shirt". Then they began their little chant.

Side note: just because they pull pranks for a radio show doesn't mean someone didn't put them up to it.

Side note two: one had a Hillary for Presdient sticker on his briefcase....
DH - it's not really that unreasonable to be suspicious. It's not something where a reaction would be "Hillary would never do that!"...she just did it in December....

Yes, it is.

Apparently you are of the belief that Hillary is the only campaign to plant softball questions. If you read any of what former campaign consultants (i.e. no one currently running a campaign) had to say about that you would realize that pretty much every campaign does it. Without exception.

Also, the idea that the common-place practice of planting a few softball questions is the same as planting a protester is ludicrous.

It's the Clinton fever swamp that has you knuckleheads chanting conspiracy.
According to your sites, it was not as they were escorted out, it was as they stood and held up a sign that said "Iron my shirt". Then they began their little chant.

Side note: just because they pull pranks for a radio show doesn't mean someone didn't put them up to it.

Side note two: one had a Hillary for Presdient sticker on his briefcase....

1) What the fuck are you talking about and what in the hell does that have to do with anything?

2) OK, so the assumption is that Clinton put them up to it despite the fact that there is ZERO evidence of that until her campaign proves otherwise? Again, ridiculous Clinton paranoia.

3) Hmmm . . If I were trying to get into a Hillary campaign event I wonder how I would present myself? As an Obama supporter? Romney? Bush?

Use your fucking head.
Good points, all.

Its almost like the repukes were counting on facing Hillary. Now, picking up on the obama surge, they're arguing among themselves about who the "changiest" agent of change is, within the GOP

the results of "change for changes sake" often sucks bigtime.
1) What the fuck are you talking about and what in the hell does that have to do with anything?

2) OK, so the assumption is that Clinton put them up to it despite the fact that there is ZERO evidence of that until her campaign proves otherwise? Again, ridiculous Clinton paranoia.

3) Hmmm . . If I were trying to get into a Hillary campaign event I wonder how I would present myself? As an Obama supporter? Romney? Bush?

Use your fucking head.

And if you were carrying such a sign, what do you think would happen? Think they'd just ignore you?