Independent Thinker
Oh I am so tired of that stupid fucking strawman.
There are NO left wing extremists in government. He has appointed precisely one liberal.
There are a myriad of choices between "suck republican dick" and "appoint only left-wing extremists."
You are so used to decades of democrats sucking republican dick and republicans calling that "bipartisanship" that you believe we should all be equally brainwashed.
Not all of us are.
I think you misunderstood my post.
While I disagree with your assertion that there are no left-wing extremists in our government (I'd consider Barbara Boxer, Bernie Sanders, and many others to be rather extreme in their viewpoints), my point is that it seems many on the left-wing will instinctively shun any appointee who isn't a purely liberal, and in the process ignore their experience/qualifications for the position. This is putting politics over principle and Lord knows we've had enough of that.
I didn't vote for Obama (I held my nose and voted for McShame), but I'm thrilled that he is working from the center and making appointments in the best interest of the American people, even if it means losing his "base." I am a bit puzzled as to why you insist on attacking me.