Looks like my little business will probably hit a bit over 1 mill in billing this yea


Villified User
:party: :cheer: :cheer:

That is about a 600% increase over when I bought it.

eat yer heart out toppy.

I don't need no stinkin MBA.
And I have a gummit contract starting next year it looks like.

I will be able to hire about 5 more employees I think.
I think that this is the real reason some right wing men don't like you. They are sick with envy...so catty.

They are too busy playing the game to understand what the game is and take advantage of it. Thinking too small. They think they are thinking big, but that is part of the game to keep em thinking they are thinking big.
Thanks EPI, other than a bad back life has been good to me lately.

And I try to spread it around. The best part of the whole deal to me is that I can hire more graduates from the local tech school and give them a decent job

The bad part is that I will have to physically expand my business next year.
all part of the game though.
Ohh and I forgot I even get quite a few tax breaks for providing new jobs.
Have to be careful though, some of the deals have strings attached.
Yeah, getting afraid of becoming a big guy though....
And some of my employees are trying to find a wife for me :shock:

They mean well though, Kinda like family now.

I am still deciding what to do about the govt contracts. I think I will start up another subsidiary in another location and just service the govt contracts from that location. I have located a light manufacturing plant that just recently closed down from the auto industry slowdown that I can lease cheap from the local economic development group.

One of my employees is ready to move to management I think. He like the job and wants to stay, so I think I will give him the growth opportunity of managaing that division.

decisions, decisions. I will have to start getting the other division ready this month to meet the contract obligations with the gummit.

Have to go interview candidates at the school, post jobs in the paper, etc...
Hire some temps, order test equip , tools, etc....

have a dinner tonight in town with a few local govt types on this. They are jumping thru hoops on permits, etc to help me get going in the other location. which I think I have talked myself into.

It looks likely to get other contracts by mid next year as well. Might be able to hire another 10 - 15 people next year...

Looks like a busy run till the end of the year.

just end of day musings....
You seem like a nice guy and I am glad it has happened for you!
I know you will make the right decisions, if not, then you will learn from them, most people don't know how to do that!
Well froggie I made a verbal commitment on the additional facility this evening. Have to get my CPA and lawyer working on it now.
:party: :cheer: :cheer:

That is about a 600% increase over when I bought it.

eat yer heart out toppy.

I don't need no stinkin MBA.

congrat.. thats crazy awsome.... our is doing just a bit better then last year, witch isnt bad concidering the Econ
congrat.. thats crazy awsome.... our is doing just a bit better then last year, witch isnt bad concidering the Econ

thanks Bob. Yeah it is wild, and all due to my inept management ;)

Well I did have some help with one car dealership moving out and building up the quality of my business. Since I still work mostly full time as a consultant I was able to roll most of the businesses money back into growing it and my employees.

I don't think I will renew my consultant contract when it expires in a couple of months though.

Play with the grandchildren more....
what USGED ignores is me continually saying he can do it with a HS diploma. Oncelor can sell software after drugging through college and ecell, supertool can rob little old ladies to buy his lance Armstrong extra large jersey, Dhula can make $25 hr teaching NY cabbies english.
But the economy is in the tank. LOFL
Good on ya USC
what USGED ignores is me continually saying he can do it with a HS diploma. Oncelor can sell software after drugging through college and ecell, supertool can rob little old ladies to buy his lance Armstrong extra large jersey, Dhula can make $25 hr teaching NY cabbies english.
But the economy is in the tank. LOFL
Good on ya USC

yeah one reason my business is doing good is I am underpricing the traditional providers of my service that are struggling to stay in business. One has already folded.

Just taking advantage of the decline of the USA. You can either go with the flow or choke on it.
I can't pay my employees what those businesses are paying, but I pay well for this area and they are jobs with fairly good benefits for this area.

My employees will wind up with a nice profit sharing bonus this Thanksgiving too. If the business does well so do they.
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yeah one reason my business is doing good is I am underpricing the traditional providers of my service that are struggling to stay in business. One has already folded.

Just taking advantage of the decline of the USA. You can either go with the flow or choke on it.
I can't pay my employees what those businesses are paying, but I pay well for this area and they are jobs with fairly good benefits for this area.

My employees will wind up with a nice profit sharing bonus this Thanksgiving too. If the business does well so do they.

Um, I am pretty sure he has all three of those wrong. I know I don't teach anything to NYc cabbies.