Looks like my little business will probably hit a bit over 1 mill in billing this yea

What a terrible mother, huh!!!! She laughed when she heard what I have been doing with her pic.

I bought her a wish fairy, it says "poof, you're married"
She knows it is all a joke! I love her independence!
They are too busy playing the game to understand what the game is and take advantage of it. Thinking too small. They think they are thinking big, but that is part of the game to keep em thinking they are thinking big.


The owners of the company I work for are conservative Republicans; they went from having 1 employee to 12 employees in one year. So much for your little theory. Nice try, though! :)
Froggie did you have a pic of you on your site where friends go on here a few days ago ?

A while back, when my hair had grown in after chemo! I thought I looked beautiful! I hadn't had hair:cool: in so long!

The owners of the company I work for are conservative Republicans; they went from having 1 employee to 12 employees in one year. So much for your little theory. Nice try, though! :)

Idiot! I was not talking about all people, just especially one on here. And including a few others who play the game to feed the corps, instead of playing the game to feed themselves.


go smack youself with flails and chant a while.
Congrats USC, that's just fucking awesome. Live the dream brother! I love shit like this. Honest, hard working success, not some stiffneck pimpledick crunching numbers all day and not producing a goddamned thing, but sweat of the brow success. YOU da man!!!


The owners of the company I work for are conservative Republicans; they went from having 1 employee to 12 employees in one year. So much for your little theory. Nice try, though! :)

Dog doo pick-up is growing that fast eh? Don't forget to reach down with your hand inSIDE the bag, that way, you won't fuck up your manicure.
I will be spending some time at the local VOTECH school next week looking for likely employees and a couple more interns.
Locally trained local people for local jobs.

I have set a limit of 50 employees. I just do not want to get too big, the company loses too much of what I want it to be.
good economy for US. congrads. mostly been good for me to. i cant complain much. dnt have a business yet tho. prob in like ten years or so.
I will be spending some time at the local VOTECH school next week looking for likely employees and a couple more interns.
Locally trained local people for local jobs.

I have set a limit of 50 employees. I just do not want to get too big, the company loses too much of what I want it to be.

Grow it as big as you want man. If it grows beyond 50, let it go. You'll be calling the shots, and its not numbers that change a company culture or a way of doing business, its the discarding of the human element in lieu of numbers that corrupts.

Bring it man. Let it go and keep it your own. Size doesn't matter in this respect.
Dog doo pick-up is growing that fast eh? Don't forget to reach down with your hand inSIDE the bag, that way, you won't fuck up your manicure.


I am a skilled worker.

In a few years, I'll probably own my own business, too - unless I get a good offer from Google or Microsoft, that is. :)
Grow it as big as you want man. If it grows beyond 50, let it go. You'll be calling the shots, and its not numbers that change a company culture or a way of doing business, its the discarding of the human element in lieu of numbers that corrupts.

Bring it man. Let it go and keep it your own. Size doesn't matter in this respect.

Size does matter. Bigger is not always better.

I have worked in small medium and extremely large businesses. Numbers do change the feel and culture of a company. It is inevitable.

I will keep it at 50 employees or less.
way to go Usc , very cool.

It seems some have forgotten that there was a day when no school taught you business.

Knowledge is knowledge no matter how you aquire it.