APP - Looks like there was some major cheating going on in MI and WI

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So we all went to bed with Trump having a four point lead in both states and then POOF Buyden picks up hundreds of thousands of votes miraculously

As Stalin once said. It doesn't matter who votes. It matters who counts them

Looking at these graphs it is statistically impossible for this to happen in both states. It looks like the kind of garbage they used to be able to pull off in Florida and Broward and Miami Dade Counties
JPP leftists knew they were losing last night

Even today they know they lost and had to cheat

You can tell by their reactions. They aren’t gloating like you would expect
So we all went to bed with Trump having a four point lead in both states and then POOF Buyden picks up hundreds of thousands of votes miraculously

As Stalin once said. It doesn't matter who votes. It matters who counts them

Looking at these graphs it is statistically impossible for this to happen in both states. It looks like the kind of garbage they used to be able to pull off in Florida and Broward and Miami Dade Counties

Cry more Trumpper!
JPP leftists knew they were losing last night

Even today they know they lost and had to cheat

You can tell by their reactions. They aren’t gloating like you would expect

Oh, well, then, I guess we'll have to laugh at your sorry ass a little harder, maybe that'll convince you. You are the weakest link. Goodbye!!
Oh, well, then, I guess we'll have to laugh at your sorry ass a little harder, maybe that'll convince you. You are the weakest link. Goodbye!!

so you believe that Tuesday night Minnesota and Wisconsin had 90% voter turnout?

That is the kind of turnout you used to see in the Soviet Union where it was vote or die. Oh yeah, leftists like you put out ads like that with your media sycophants
So we all went to bed with Trump having a four point lead in both states and then POOF Buyden picks up hundreds of thousands of votes miraculously

As Stalin once said. It doesn't matter who votes. It matters who counts them

Looking at these graphs it is statistically impossible for this to happen in both states. It looks like the kind of garbage they used to be able to pull off in Florida and Broward and Miami Dade Counties

I'll try and explain it to you. We have a pandemic so people have been allowed to vote by mail. Trump supporters listen to that dumbshit and think the pandemic is a hoax so they all vote on election day. Those votes are counted first so it appears as though Trump is winning. The counties out in the boonies with your redneck trump supporters have much fewer votes to count so they count them as well as their mail in votes rather quickly. Now when you get to the larger metropolitan areas you have much more votes, they can't count them as fast. Now there are two reasons most of the votes being counted now are for Biden. One, they are coming from the cities where Biden is heavily favored and two, they are mail in ballots that are also mostly from smart people (Biden supporters) that voted by mail because of the pandemic. It's why now out of every 10 mail in ballots you find 8 or 9 for Biden. If you don't understand that it's because you are stupid and I can't help you.
I'll try and explain it to you. We have a pandemic so people have been allowed to vote by mail. Trump supporters listen to that dumbshit and think the pandemic is a hoax so they all vote on election day. Those votes are counted first so it appears as though Trump is winning. The counties out in the boonies with your redneck trump supporters have much fewer votes to count so they count them as well as their mail in votes rather quickly. Now when you get to the larger metropolitan areas you have much more votes, they can't count them as fast. Now there are two reasons most of the votes being counted now are for Biden. One, they are coming from the cities where Biden is heavily favored and two, they are mail in ballots that are also mostly from smart people (Biden supporters) that voted by mail because of the pandemic. It's why now out of every 10 mail in ballots you find 8 or 9 for Biden. If you don't understand that it's because you are stupid and I can't help you.

I don't disagree that you would expect a heavier tilt from a democrat district. But, as I accurately pointed out it is highly illogical and statistically impossible to believe that out of 200,000 ballots not a single one was for President Trump. Not one. It makes ZERO sense to any thinking person.

Now consider this. Look at the turnout from Minnesota and Wisconsin compared to the rest of the so called battleground states. Again, it makes no logical sense. The rest of the states all saw higher turnout but all within the same range. Minnesota and Wisconsin approached 90% turnout. That is unheard of at the state level

I don't disagree that you would expect a heavier tilt from a democrat district. But, as I accurately pointed out it is highly illogical and statistically impossible to believe that out of 200,000 ballots not a single one was for President Trump. Not one. It makes ZERO sense to any thinking person.

Now consider this. Look at the turnout from Minnesota and Wisconsin compared to the rest of the so called battleground states. Again, it makes no logical sense. The rest of the states all saw higher turnout but all within the same range. Minnesota and Wisconsin approached 90% turnout. That is unheard of at the state level


Noone ever said that out of 200,000 votes that none of them were for Trump. They obviously separate the votes for each candidate and the pile of Biden votes grows much quicker so periodically they grab and turn in a bunch of the Biden ones yet don't need to turn in trump ones because his pile is so much smaller. There are a lot of reasons, it's no wonder a dumbshit trump supporter would immediately cry foul. Get over it, your dumbshit lost.:(
So we all went to bed with Trump having a four point lead in both states and then POOF Buyden picks up hundreds of thousands of votes miraculously

As Stalin once said. It doesn't matter who votes. It matters who counts them

Looking at these graphs it is statistically impossible for this to happen in both states. It looks like the kind of garbage they used to be able to pull off in Florida and Broward and Miami Dade Counties

Are you saying the cheaters waited for you to go to bed and then snuck in some votes?
Are you still on heroin? I just need you to admit it.
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Noone ever said that out of 200,000 votes that none of them were for Trump. They obviously separate the votes for each candidate and the pile of Biden votes grows much quicker so periodically they grab and turn in a bunch of the Biden ones yet don't need to turn in trump ones because his pile is so much smaller. There are a lot of reasons, it's no wonder a dumbshit trump supporter would immediately cry foul. Get over it, your dumbshit lost.:(

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