looks like were starting to escilate the situation with iran


a member named bob
a raid on their consulate, threats of air strikes, and who know what else..

i dont think iran will take it lighly


US forces storm Iranian consulate

US forces have stormed an Iranian consulate in the northern Iraqi town of Irbil and seized six members of staff.
The troops raided the building at about 0300 (0001GMT), taking away computers and papers, according to Kurdish media and senior local officials.

The US military would only confirm the detention of six people around Irbil.

The raid comes amid high Iran-US tension. The US accuses Iran of helping to fuel violence in Iraq and seeking nuclear arms. Iran denies both charges.
Interesting, the legal democratically elected government of Iraq is making agreenments and such with Iran and we are raiding the Iranian consulates.....
Ohh, I forget the details, but an accord or two was reached between Iraq and Iran last year. CRS is setting in I think, or work keeps my brain too full one ;)
Ohh, I forget the details, but an accord or two was reached between Iraq and Iran last year. CRS is setting in I think, or work keeps my brain too full one ;)

lol... i remember em having talks and what not... i just dont recall em comming to any agreements
I thought there was something like a mutual non agression pact or something like that, but I could be wrong. Unlike some I am wrong sometimes.
Shameless Bump, for Good Reasons

Whilst we're all having fun chatting about the weather, I thought we might also enjoy talking a little politics. The bad thing is that I think we've almost run out of Bush supporters around here. I told you the Endangered Species Act was a good idea. Now what've we got?

What was the most ominous thing in Bush's speech the other night? Not the troop buildup: we knew about that already. I submit that it was the increasingly harsh tone toward Iran and Syria.

"Well I heard the sabers rattling on that," retired Maj. Gen. William Nash, an ABC News consultant, said in an interview after the president's address. "This may be what we're talking about six months from now far more than we're talking about the security sit (sic) in Baghdad. This portends a confrontation that could significantly broaden military operations in the region."

Here's the question, I suppose. If Shrubbie decides to invade or directly threaten Iran or Syria, will that, finally, put some backbone into Congress? I think it might. Cutting off funds for a military adventure is not totally unprecedented, after all.
he wont invade, if anything hes tring to provoke. bush maybe dumb, ut i dont think he's that dumb.... but ive been worng before... ounce or twice:D
he wont invade, if anything hes tring to provoke. bush maybe dumb, ut i dont think he's that dumb.... but ive been worng before... ounce or twice:D
There's precedent for this too. Nixon did it and it sort of worked for him, at least for a while. He broadened the war in Vietnam into Laos and Cambodia, even in the face of strong public opinion against it at home.
he wont invade, if anything hes tring to provoke. bush maybe dumb, ut i dont think he's that dumb.... but ive been worng before... ounce or twice:D

I have no doubt bush wants to bait iran into a war or confrontation. The raid on their embassy - I think was intended to do that.
I have no doubt bush wants to bait iran into a war or confrontation. The raid on their embassy - I think was intended to do that.

I wonder if the Bush twins are going to enlist with the imminent threat from Iran.
The New Yorker reported on two new aircraft carriers and 16,000 sailors being deployed to the Gulf, which they speculated would be used on a strike against Iran.

However, they're always thinking that we are about to invade Iran so their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
The New Yorker reported on two new aircraft carriers and 16,000 sailors being deployed to the Gulf, which they speculated would be used on a strike against Iran.

However, they're always thinking that we are about to invade Iran so their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
Not even close to enough for an Iran invasion. Their military is not the beaten shell that Iraq's was.

(And BTW - Welcome over!)
The New Yorker reported on two new aircraft carriers and 16,000 sailors being deployed to the Gulf, which they speculated would be used on a strike against Iran.

However, they're always thinking that we are about to invade Iran so their opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
I agree. It may well be that Bush and some of his inner circle want to invade Iran; in fact, I'm sure they do want to. That doesn't mean they will, however. It isn't politically feasible . . . or I hope it isn't anyway.