looks like were starting to escilate the situation with iran

Yeah, after he lost the election he went to work for the Democratic Party's Lawyer firm... Lobbying and making the bank, ya know. It crosses party lines.
Wow! I did not realize that Damo. After all that hatred he spewed out about demoncrats too. Wow, he is a ho :)
Wow! I did not realize that Damo. After all that hatred he spewed out about demoncrats too. Wow, he is a ho :)
They didn't reject him either... really, that's when I began to realize that less divides them than divides thost who vote for them.
"I wonder if the Bush twins are going to enlist with the imminent threat from Iran."

Lady T... do you support every position your parents hold? Are you obligated in any way by their views?
Whilst we're all having fun chatting about the weather, I thought we might also enjoy talking a little politics. The bad thing is that I think we've almost run out of Bush supporters around here. I told you the Endangered Species Act was a good idea. Now what've we got?

What was the most ominous thing in Bush's speech the other night? Not the troop buildup: we knew about that already. I submit that it was the increasingly harsh tone toward Iran and Syria.


Here's the question, I suppose. If Shrubbie decides to invade or directly threaten Iran or Syria, will that, finally, put some backbone into Congress? I think it might. Cutting off funds for a military adventure is not totally unprecedented, after all.

Meanwhile, Majwhatever his name is, the Iranian leader is in South America making nice with the people who hate the US down there!!!!
What is Bush not seeing here?????
I have no doubt bush wants to bait iran into a war or confrontation. The raid on their embassy - I think was intended to do that.

I guess he wants an excuse to bomb their nuclear facilities, at least that is the talk...
Not even close to enough for an Iran invasion. Their military is not the beaten shell that Iraq's was.

(And BTW - Welcome over!)

Aren't there two carriers that have gone to the area?
Do you think it is just a flexing of the muscle on Bush's part?
Aren't there two carriers that have gone to the area?
Do you think it is just a flexing of the muscle on Bush's part?
Pretty much. We'd need far more than two carriers to invade Iran. It would be enough to bomb the crap out of their Nuclear facilities though.
How many carriers can we afford to lose? Might be another factor in just 2 being over there.....
Nah, 2 is powerful. They simply aren't an invasion fleet though. They do not have the foot troops, etc. Carriers are backup to an invasion, not an invasion of themselves. Since there are only two carriers there the likelihood of invasion hasn't increased. The likelihood of bombing the crap out of them has, but invasion and a good bombing are two different things.
Don't forget that Iran is almost 4 times bigger than Iraq. The number of troops needed for an invasion would be . . . considerable.
Don't forget that Iran is almost 4 times bigger than Iraq. The number of troops needed for an invasion would be . . . considerable.

We're not invading Iran.

We're going to bomb the shit out of Iran. Iran will respond (and they have every goddamned right to) by attacking our guys in Iraq. So a lot more of those guys are going to die. For people on the right, you better step up to the plate here...our troops are going to need extra support! That's right, we'll need to see TWO support our troops magnets on your cars.

They also have one of the most well-trained and equipped "terrorist" organizations at their disposal. You last saw them kicking the asses of the legendary Israeli military. Will be coming to a city near you shortly. Once they attack us here (for no reason of course!, or, because they hate our freedom. make sure you put out of your mind all of their babies we're going to murder when we bomb, that's not why they'll be pissed. After all, their kids lives don't mean the same as our kids lives do. They dont' grieve the way we do) we will respond. There are some reasons to believe we will have (and in fact have been planning for) a nuclear response.

If somebody doesn't impeach bush...I don't know. I feel like crying. I give up. That's why I hardly post here.

Don't you people see what's coming?
Unfortunately Darla I see some very bleak probabilities coming donw the pike, but few think beyond their next paycheck or weekend....
Unfortunately Darla I see some very bleak probabilities coming donw the pike, but few think beyond their next paycheck or weekend....

Maybe I've always had it too good. Not that I've ever been rich, but I was very well off as a child. My father was successful by any measure. He was very good to me, and so was my mom. When I got older I became engaged to a man whom I was with for many years, and he made a very excellent living. In fact, I only worked on and off during those years, doing a lot of freelance stuff from home. And even when we split up, I've always had a strong safety net, should I go through a temporary bad time. And I've been through them. But I didn't really "feel" them, because there was that net (my family), and it always caught me.

So maybe I'm out of touch. Maybe I can't relate to being so worried about your next paycheck that you don't see the horrific things being done with your tax dollars. The never ending wars we are being led into. All of the death of the young and the very young that those wars cause. And that's a failing of mine, and I should work on that, because it's just dumb luck that I never have been in that position. But you know what, it's not just my failing. There's a failing all around, if we as a country can't do something about this shit now.
I am not so sure it is an issue of being more concerned about your next check as much as it is apathy and ignorance.
We are taught that the government takes care of us not the other way around.
We're not invading Iran.

We're going to bomb the shit out of Iran. Iran will respond (and they have every goddamned right to) by attacking our guys in Iraq. So a lot more of those guys are going to die. For people on the right, you better step up to the plate here...our troops are going to need extra support! That's right, we'll need to see TWO support our troops magnets on your cars.

They also have one of the most well-trained and equipped "terrorist" organizations at their disposal. You last saw them kicking the asses of the legendary Israeli military. Will be coming to a city near you shortly. Once they attack us here (for no reason of course!, or, because they hate our freedom. make sure you put out of your mind all of their babies we're going to murder when we bomb, that's not why they'll be pissed. After all, their kids lives don't mean the same as our kids lives do. They dont' grieve the way we do) we will respond. There are some reasons to believe we will have (and in fact have been planning for) a nuclear response.

If somebody doesn't impeach bush...I don't know. I feel like crying. I give up. That's why I hardly post here.

Don't you people see what's coming?

All good points. Bush is trying to goad the iranians into a conventional military confrontation. Unfortunately for us, the persians are cunning - they're much smarter than the chimp. They don't have to retaliate against us militarily. They can use unconventional means - like unleashing hezbollah against us, and engaging in asymetric warfare against us in iraq with their shia bretheren.

Bush wants to provoke an iranian conventional military response from iran? The persians are too smart for that - they'll outwit our Chimp.