Lou Dobbs Quote

Not a straw argument, you have to take sides. Do you agree with those who oppose American policy or not? If you do then who are these people and what do the believe? Nothing about it is a straw argument!

One thing is for sure, you are toby. Sigh.......I'll try to splain it to you really really slow.

1) Maine and I were commenting on how Bush has made us the laughing stock of the international community and how we have little to no credibility left whatsoever.

2) Klaatu chimes in with "Since Putin is such a great guy......." implying I said or thought Putin was, "such a great guy" when I did nothing of the sort.

Classic strawman.

3) Next Klaatu's continues to bash Putin as if that were what I was talking about in the first place.
To tell ya the truth, I don't think many of the "we the people" are "really following" him these days, but it is too LATE...Bush and Co. have put in to place their "rule", their reign or even their Reich, if we are not careful...not that there is much we can do about it...they ignore laws congress writes and the constitution, and have put in place a Supreme Court to lean in their "thinking" of the unitary power of the president.... :(
I'm instituting a new policy: Strawmen arguments get :nono: no responses

You managed two strawmen in one post. :nono:

no no no ... you dont get away that easy Lady T ... this strawman bullshit is just that ... dont have an answer just say strawman .... nope, sorry it doesnt work....

You pointed out that Putin article ... now justify it ...
To tell ya the truth, I don't think many of the "we the people" are "really following" him these days, but it is too LATE...Bush and Co. have put in to place their "rule", their reign or even their Reich, if we are not careful...not that there is much we can do about it...they ignore laws congress writes and the constitution, and have put in place a Supreme Court to lean in their "thinking" of the unitary power of the president.... :(

So ..lets dig up some negative quotes from Osama .. to support the Anti Bush cause ....
Agreement with what? That he doesnt want a Democracy like Iraq .. or maybe what he really thinks ... like in terms of the good 'ol USSR ....
I dont trust that guy for a minute ...
and either should you..considering that Bush thinks that they are such great friends .. ;)
no no no ... you dont get away that easy Lady T ... this strawman bullshit is just that ... dont have an answer just say strawman .... nope, sorry it doesnt work....

You pointed out that Putin article ... now justify it ...


I said "we're a laughing stock"

From the article, "The remark, which raised a loud laugh from the assembled press pool,"

The fact that Putin said what he did wasn't the issue - the point of the argument was the joke we've become on the world stage. Pointing to the article of what happened was supposed to serve as a reminder of the laughter that erupted after putin said this during meeting. I'd expect most politically savvy people to understand that. But then again, you did vote for Bush, so I'm not surprised I have to spell it out.

I said "we're a laughing stock"

From the article, "The remark, which raised a loud laugh from the assembled press pool,"

The fact that Putin said what he did wasn't the issue - the point of the argument was the joke we've become on the world stage. Pointing to the article of what happened was supposed to serve as a reminder of the laughter that erupted after putin said this during meeting. I'd expect most politically savvy people to understand that. But then again, you did vote for Bush, so I'm not surprised I have to spell it out.

as well .. a politically savvy individual will also pay attention to who the messenger is ... as the old saying goes .. "those who live in glass houses ............... :cool:
as well .. a politically savvy individual will also pay attention to who the messenger is ... as the old saying goes .. "those who live in glass houses ............... :cool:

And who would that messenger be? The world press that laughs at us? yes. I paid attention.
And who would that messenger be? The world press that laughs at us? yes. I paid attention.

Wow .. the world press (those wonderful Government subsidized entities) laughs at George W Bush ... what a surprise ...

Lets put the shoe on the other foot .. what if GW mocked Putin along the same line....

Would those same wonderful Government subsidized entities that you like to call The World Press .. laugh or would they rip into 'ol GW's behind for being a bit tacky ...
And would Lady T be posting here about Russia's lack of integrity on the world stage or would she be posting on the tackiness of GW Bush?
Wow .. the world press (those wonderful Government subsidized entities) laughs at George W Bush ... what a surprise ...

Lets put the shoe on the other foot .. what if GW mocked Putin along the same line....

Would those same wonderful Government subsidized entities that you like to call The World Press .. laugh or would they rip into 'ol GW's behind for being a bit tacky ...
And would Lady T be posting here about Russia's lack of integrity on the world stage or would she be posting on the tackiness of GW Bush?

I don't have a crystal ball. But why don't you tell me how you know I'd act. I'd prefer to deal with the hear and now, rather than fantasy hypotheticals on what I would or wouldn't do if it had it been Putin being laughed at or how the press might have responded had the comment come from Bush. I don't know. I don't pretend to know. I do however know the credibility we have when it comes to bringing about peace and democracy is laughable as exampled at the G8 summit.
I don't have a crystal ball. But why don't you tell me how you know I'd act. I'd prefer to deal with the hear and now, rather than fantasy hypotheticals on what I would or wouldn't do if it had it been Putin being laughed at or how the press might have responded had the comment come from Bush. I don't know. I don't pretend to know. I do however know the credibility we have when it comes to bringing about peace and democracy is laughable as exampled at the G8 summit.

Thats the bottome line isn't it? Bush is a laughing stock, with no credibility. Noboby wants to follow him. He's not a leader.

Clinton, Poppy Bush, Nixon, and Reagan were all treated as leaders, respected, and followed to a great extent. Reagan was thought of as a clown at first, but by his sixth year in office he had earned the grudging respect of western and russian leaders.
Thats the bottome line isn't it? Bush is a laughing stock, with no credibility. Noboby wants to follow him. He's not a leader.

Clinton, Poppy Bush, Nixon, and Reagan were all treated as leaders, respected, and followed to a great extent. Reagan was thought of as a clown at first, but by his sixth year in office he had earned the grudging respect of western and russian leaders.

{Sigh.......} yes. C'est tres vrai. :(
I'm no huge fan of Lou, but I thought this was great:


"Now what with the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, Israel battling Hezbollah, Iran and its nuclear program, North Korea and its nuclear program and its missiles, our record trade and budget deficits, a slowing economy and accelerating energy prices, you're probably feelin' right now 'bout like a gnat in a hailstorm. That's understandable.

But as Texans like us say, when you find yourself in a hole, first thing to do is quit diggin'. You got more than enough critics right now, and sure, every dog has its fleas. But you sure don't want folks to start pullin' for the fleas.

I don't mean any disrespect, Mr. President, and I do know you're the leader of the free world, but if you would, please look 'round and see just who's followin'."

He forgot to heil hitler and yell "death to immigrants and foreigners"! Odd.
If I hate Hitler and Castro hated Hitler, that does not make me friends with Castro...

If I dislike Bush's policies and Putin dislikes Bush's policies... it does not make me friends with Putin..
no no no ... you dont get away that easy Lady T ... this strawman bullshit is just that ... dont have an answer just say strawman .... nope, sorry it doesnt work....

You pointed out that Putin article ... now justify it ...

Actually, while I didn't see a straw man in her second example, the first definitely was.
Actually, while I didn't see a straw man in her second example, the first definitely was.

"Putin has his problems too ... wasnt this guy former KGB? yeah ..that always made me comfortable knowing that he leads one of the worlds powers...."

Here, he's inferring that I don't acknowledge Putin has problems and that I'm comfortable with Putin in power. That isn't that case all. The point of my argument was centered around the mockery Bush has made of us. Not my opinions of Putin.
"Putin has his problems too ... wasnt this guy former KGB? yeah ..that always made me comfortable knowing that he leads one of the worlds powers...."

Here, he's inferring that I don't acknowledge Putin has problems and that I'm comfortable with Putin in power. That isn't that case all. The point of my argument was centered around the mockery Bush has made of us. Not my opinions of Putin.
You're either with us or against us, LadyT. If you ain't for Bush then you have to be for Putin! Now, which is it? Come on: time's a-wastin'.