LSD Research in the Fifties

cancel2 2022

How times have changed, in the fifties they used middle class volunteers as guinea pigs. The female volunteer reminds me of somebody famous but I can't for the life of me think who it is.

[ame=""]YouTube - LSD Research[/ame]
She looks a lot like Gloria Grahame.

She looks a lot like Gloria Grahame.


Funny you guys should bring up Gloria Grahame. I watched one of her old movies a few weeks ago and then I googled her. She had an affair with her 13-year old stepson, later married him and they had two kids together before divorcing.

Yes, I really mean 13-year old.
Funny you guys should bring up Gloria Grahame. I watched one of her old movies a few weeks ago and then I googled her. She had an affair with her 13-year old stepson, later married him and they had two kids together before divorcing.

Yes, I really mean 13-year old.

Bloody hell, how did she manage to keep that quiet?
Bloody hell, how did she manage to keep that quiet?

Her husband (the boy's father) caught them in the act. It helped destroy her career.

"Though she continued to work until the 1980’s, the 1950’s was Grahame’s decade. Her best and most memorable work came in those then years. Part of the reason for her decline is certainly attributable to her 1960 marriage to her former stepson Tony Ray, Nick Ray’s son by a previous marriage. She was 36 and Tony was 23. The marriage lasted 15 years and Gloria gave birth to two boys during the marriage. The mind-boggling relationships that developed out of all this became fodder for the news media of the day and took its toll on Gloria’s career. Tony Ray would later on become a well-known actor..."
Funny you guys should bring up Gloria Grahame. I watched one of her old movies a few weeks ago and then I googled her. She had an affair with her 13-year old stepson, later married him and they had two kids together before divorcing.

Yes, I really mean 13-year old.
LSD created the first cougar.
You need to find a friend or a small group of friends to do it with. You don't want to try it alone. It way more fun doing it with others.
I tried it once while camping with my best friend from the old 'hood and a female "gift" I brought him. We all took a hit and a few hours later I was crawling through the grass imagining I was an earthworm and they were fornicating in the back of his pic-up truck. :)
Her husband (the boy's father) caught them in the act. It helped destroy her career.

"Though she continued to work until the 1980’s, the 1950’s was Grahame’s decade. Her best and most memorable work came in those then years. Part of the reason for her decline is certainly attributable to her 1960 marriage to her former stepson Tony Ray, Nick Ray’s son by a previous marriage. She was 36 and Tony was 23. The marriage lasted 15 years and Gloria gave birth to two boys during the marriage. The mind-boggling relationships that developed out of all this became fodder for the news media of the day and took its toll on Gloria’s career. Tony Ray would later on become a well-known actor..."

GROSS, it just makes my skin crawl.