LSD Research in the Fifties

Man, I need to try acid. Fuck everything else, acid is what I need.

Maybe the answer is to give the Taliban some acid, they wouldn't need any virgins as they could summon them up from their imagination.

[ame=""]YouTube - LSD Testing (British Troops)[/ame]
What ever it was that they told your military it was and what it was supposed to do.

You need to do some serious reading about the CIA and its nefarious activities after WW2. Project MK Ultra is a good starting point.

[ame=""]Project MKULTRA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:DeclassifiedMKULTRA.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/4/4f/DeclassifiedMKULTRA.jpg/220px-DeclassifiedMKULTRA.jpg[/ame]