Verified User
You're a liar, Mason, but I forgive you because you're also mentally ill. No wonder TOP rocked the van with you.
Dutch is a unapologetic baiter! In fact Dutch is a
You're a liar, Mason, but I forgive you because you're also mentally ill. No wonder TOP rocked the van with you.
Dutch is a unapologetic baiter! In fact Dutch is a
One thing you can say for US911,he is a Master Baiter
CO the "Master" baiter
Baiting! EE has become a master baiter
Don't bet on it! Dutch loves to bait!
In fact he's a master baiter!
Mason, why do you think a person has to be a Christian to tell if another person is following the Christian religion?
Do you have to be a Muslim to know if a person is conducting themselves as a Muslim? Or do you only have to know about the religion to see if they are following it?
I just think Christian holy rollers don't want anyone to point out the way they routinely and relentlessly violate the ethical tenets of the New Testament and the Decalogue.
Agreed, which is one reason why I like reminding them.
That is a good public service.
Why don't you know how to capitalize the first letter of a sentence?
That's Mason's go-to line when cornered. LOL
No worries, Mason. I forgive you because of your "condition".
I do my best to be a good American.
It's what you do best, Mason.Typing one handed?
Have you ever considered a do-it-yourself lobotomy for your bipolarism, Mason?FYI Christians are sinner same as you and your chickenshit coward ass buddy Cypress!
Have you ever considered a do-it-yourself lobotomy for your bipolarism, Mason?
An ice pick and a hammer is all you need.
No, but I'd be happy to assist you in finding happiness with the procedure. It's supposed to calm your brain.So that is what happened to you!
You haven't shown that Luther made any vile writings. You haven't shown that Luther hated Arabs.To me the question is, can the founder of Protestantism be excused for his vile writings on the Jews;
^^^You haven't shown that Luther made any vile writings. You haven't shown that Luther hated Arabs.
All anyone knows is that Luther did a great service to Christians by busting the Catholic monopoly and opening the market of Christianity to a much wider audience of small businesses.
Martin Luther did for Christians what no warmizombie wants to happen to Climate Change. Martin Luther shifted the authority of Christianity away from the Catholic clergy monopoly to the Bible where anyone can read the doctrine. Today, warmizombies don't want their Climate Change religion being wrested away from their Climate Science clergy and placed in science. It would signal a quick death for the Climate Change faith if that ever were to happen.
No assessment of Martin Luther’s legacy can neglect his hateful and violent polemics against the Jews.
A. Luther’s writings against the Jews are distinctive.
1. They are not like modern racist anti-Semitism.
2. They are not like the genteel anti-Judaism of many 19th-century Protestant liberals, who regarded the Old Testament as a Jewish book, too primitive to be relevant to Christians.
3. Medieval Christian superstitions and libels are present in Luther’s writings against the Jews but not central.
4. Yet Luther’s recommendations (to burn synagogues, confiscate property, and expel the Jews) are more violent than those of any other major Christian theologian.
A full understanding of Luther’s motives for writing against the Jews must explain the contrast between the hatefulness of his treatises in the 1540s and the friendly approach he took 20 years earlier.
A. Luther’s 1523 treatise “That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew” argued against Christian persecution of the Jews.
1. He regarded persecution of the Jews as one of the bad ideas of the papist church.
2. He expresses the hope that, if treated kindly and presented with true scriptural teaching, many Jews will convert to Christianity.
3. He argues that because the original apostles were Jews who did good to Gentiles by preaching Christ and converting them, Gentiles should now do good to the Jews in the same way.
4. He concludes the treatise by presenting Scripture passages that can be used in discussions with Jews to show them that Jesus is the messiah.
B. By 1543, Luther had decided that (like the pope and Zwingli) the Jews spoke for the devil.
1. He began to see Jews not as neighbors to be loved but as theological enemies who threaten to undermine faith in the Gospel.
2. He had heard rumors of Jews converting Christians to Judaism.
3. He gave up hope for their conversion and recommended that Christians cease trying to preach or argue with them about Scripture.
4. He came to think of the Jews as a threat to the health of the Christian body politic, which the German princes should not tolerate.
C. He also was convinced that their “lies” (like the beliefs of the Anabaptists) were blasphemy and, therefore, could not be tolerated.
Source credit: Phillip Carey, professor of religious studies
I look at it from a different angle, starting with age.
Martin Luther was born in 1483.
He was 34 when he published his Ninety-five Theses of 1517.
He was 39 when he wrote “That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew” in 1523.
He was 59 in 1543 when he wrote against Jews along with targeting "Roman Catholics, Anabaptists, and nontrinitarian Christians".
He died at age 62 in 1546 after years of ill health:,_illness_and_death
"Luther had been suffering from ill health for years, including Ménière's disease, vertigo, fainting, tinnitus, and a cataract in one eye.[260] From 1531 to 1546, his health deteriorated further. In 1536, he began to suffer from kidney and bladder stones, arthritis, and an ear infection ruptured an ear drum. In December 1544, he began to feel the effects of angina".
I posit that his multiple illnesses contributed to his negative psychological outlook producing what can be seen on JPP every day: bitter, angry old men bitching about others.
I just have to remember that you are effectively brain dead.Proof Sybil is delusional....and not taking his meds.
No assessment of Martin Luther’s legacy can neglect his hateful and violent polemics against the Jews.
A. Luther’s writings against the Jews are distinctive.
1. They are not like modern racist anti-Semitism.
2. They are not like the genteel anti-Judaism of many 19th-century Protestant liberals, who regarded the Old Testament as a Jewish book, too primitive to be relevant to Christians.
3. Medieval Christian superstitions and libels are present in Luther’s writings against the Jews but not central.
4. Yet Luther’s recommendations (to burn synagogues, confiscate property, and expel the Jews) are more violent than those of any other major Christian theologian.
A full understanding of Luther’s motives for writing against the Jews must explain the contrast between the hatefulness of his treatises in the 1540s and the friendly approach he took 20 years earlier.
A. Luther’s 1523 treatise “That Jesus Christ Was Born a Jew” argued against Christian persecution of the Jews.
1. He regarded persecution of the Jews as one of the bad ideas of the papist church.
2. He expresses the hope that, if treated kindly and presented with true scriptural teaching, many Jews will convert to Christianity.
3. He argues that because the original apostles were Jews who did good to Gentiles by preaching Christ and converting them, Gentiles should now do good to the Jews in the same way.
4. He concludes the treatise by presenting Scripture passages that can be used in discussions with Jews to show them that Jesus is the messiah.
B. By 1543, Luther had decided that (like the pope and Zwingli) the Jews spoke for the devil.
1. He began to see Jews not as neighbors to be loved but as theological enemies who threaten to undermine faith in the Gospel.
2. He had heard rumors of Jews converting Christians to Judaism.
3. He gave up hope for their conversion and recommended that Christians cease trying to preach or argue with them about Scripture.
4. He came to think of the Jews as a threat to the health of the Christian body politic, which the German princes should not tolerate.
C. He also was convinced that their “lies” (like the beliefs of the Anabaptists) were blasphemy and, therefore, could not be tolerated.
Source credit: Phillip Carey, professor of religious studies
I just have to remember that you are effectively brain dead.
Actually, I'm not interested in any guessing at the moment. Did you want to tell me? Did you want to tell me what a Rule 14 complaint is? How was the likelihood of banning calculated?Wanna guess who has the most Rule 14 complaints against them and most likely to be banned for it?