Loyal to the end
YOu did not give me historical perspective. You gave me an attack paper by a fundamentalist homophobe.
I didn't address all of the flaws or inaccuracies in the article. You want to call it a "hissy fit" because you know that my critique is accurate.
Are you going to try and claim that "...homosexual relationships have no comparable benefit for society" as the article said?
Are you going to claim that gay marriage would impose substantial costs on society, as the article claims?
If you are, I would love to see you detail that info. Because what the article said was nonsense.
LOL Now you're hissy fit is getting more hissy.

You got a historical perspective that directly addresses the points being made: "...benefits of marriage ... flow from the inherent complementarity of the sexes ... Rome fell for several reasons, two of which were the rapid increase in divorce and the undermining of dignity and sanctity of the home."