LW politics natural outcome..........


Well-known member
I have been following this case for a while now as Im sure many of you have. All I can say is...............Wow,...talk about a pack of total scumbags! Unreal,....just unreal. Here's the kicker.........If it is THIS BAD at a small local township level just imagine what it is at a large city level,...a state level,...a NATIONAL level. And NOW YOU KNOW the WHY of why this country is in the shape it is in. These frikkin RATS do it every damn time they have total control,...EVERY TIME. These parasite thieves arent even vermin,....their WORSE then vermin. In fact they deserve to be eaten by vermin. :oops: Justice is coming though,...........and when it finally does there will BE HELL TO PAY,....believe THAT!

Behold,.......the left in all its filthyness.
