Compromise? Collusion? Cooperation? All for money and to hell with all else.
Who is moron enough to quote a rabid dumb lunatic like MadCow? YOU!
Compromise? Collusion? Cooperation? All for money and to hell with all else.
Degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994. Rhodes Scholar. Awarded a Marshall Scholarship the same year but turned it down in favor of the Rhodes. In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at the University of Oxford.
Now, tell us about your lying RW commentators.
The was a GREAT SHOW, we know The ReTruds will Deny Deny Deny ... but who gives a Fuck what they think anyway.
January the Fun begins.
Unlike Fox and many conservative outlets, MSNBC doesn't lie, or exaggerate facts, or create their own reality. Huge difference.
She is good enough to be beating out Hannity.
Intelligent, articulate, entertaining woman who is very threatening to weak men.
I think it's likely she found plenty of them...they just didn't want to have anything to do with her. That's what turns chicks into dykes.
You truly are a jerk-off.
Compromise? Collusion? Cooperation? All for money and to hell with all else.
Why so sensitive, faggot?
She did it again last night ... she is truly an American Treasure ... and Boot in the Ass of Republicans