Made me laugh anyway

Here, right up your alley

"The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere just hit its highest level in 800,000 years and scientists predict deadly consequences"

And I'm sure the exchange will now focus on some obscure scientist who released some obscure study peppered with the right amount of field semantics to make it all seem reasonable

Exactly. "Discussing" science with morons is like nailing Jello to a tree. It just ruins the Jello, annoys the tree, and results in personal frustration.
Here, right up your alley

"The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere just hit its highest level in 800,000 years and scientists predict deadly consequences"

And I'm sure the exchange will now focus on some obscure scientist who released some obscure study peppered with the right amount of field semantics to make it all seem reasonable

The human population is the highest in all history, yet you'll never see PC arseholes like you say anything about that. Here is an extremely good article in Fabius Maximus that describes climate alarmists like you to a T.
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Yet I am without doubt far more qualified scientifically than you.

I'd say most poster's qualifications far exceed those scientifically than her, not to mention just about everything else. Read her posts.
Oh, by the way, aren't you and I both on ignore? Lying bitch...
I'd say most poster's qualifications far exceed those scientifically than her, not to mention just about everything else. Read her posts.
Oh, by the way, aren't you and I both on ignore? Lying bitch...
Where's the screen shot of that list when you need it?;)
Here, right up your alley

"The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere just hit its highest level in 800,000 years and scientists predict deadly consequences"

And I'm sure the exchange will now focus on some obscure scientist who released some obscure study peppered with the right amount of field semantics to make it all seem reasonable

This reply is like a hundred times funnier than all Tom threads combined.
Ugh. And up here we have had fire danger warnings for the last couple of weeks. Had that big blizzard (19" of snow) in mid-April which is all melted now; less than a quarter inch of rain since.
Predictions are hurricanes are suppose to be on same level as last year. People still haven’t recovered from last year. I hope they skip Texas