Made me laugh anyway

The human population is the highest in all history, yet you'll never see PC arseholes like you say anything about that. Here is an extremely good article in Fabius Maximus that describes climate alarmists like you to a T.

Did I predict it or what?

I'll see you one "Fabius Maximus" and raise you a "Durango Bill," what ever the hell that is

It's amazing how fogcatcher responds to any climate post with some study or article he found on the web which he thinks automatically negates anything you have intially offered because he posted it
Did I predict it or what?

I'll see you one "Fabius Maximus" and raise you a "Durango Bill," what ever the hell that is

It's amazing how fogcatcher responds to any climate post with some study or article he found on the web which he thinks automatically negates anything you have intially offered because he posted it

It's amazing how Dogsnatcher thinks he can post any old shit and not expect a response. Still you got the juices flowing in our Doris so well done for that. I will now put you back.on the kunt list as you're not worth engaging with, far too ignorant to discuss climate intelligibly.
Predictions are hurricanes are suppose to be on same level as last year. People still haven’t recovered from last year. I hope they skip Texas

Of course, the fact that there hadn't been a hurricane greater than cat 2, make landfall in 12 years, until last year is just blithely ignored.

Looks like you've found a new feminazi to replace your bestie, so good for you.
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Of course, the fact that there hadn't been a hurricane greater than cat 2, make landfall in 12 years, until last year is just blithely ignored.

Looks like you've found a new feminazi to replace your bestie, so good for you.

because the effects are world wide not merely local idiot
Here, right up your alley

"The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere just hit its highest level in 800,000 years and scientists predict deadly consequences"

And I'm sure the exchange will now focus on some obscure scientist who released some obscure study peppered with the right amount of field semantics to make it all seem reasonable

Just looked up the author Kevin Loria's credentials, or lack of them to be more exact. The nearest thing to actual science that he studied was political science, whatever the fuck that is.

Whenever these ignorant turds write about climate they always invoke the IPCC RCP 8.5 scenario aka business as usual. Everybody sentient knows that will never come to pass, but it is incumbent on so called 'science journalists' to exaggerate and twist the facts. Sadly the ignorant turds on here, like Archives, are completely unaware of any of this and are beholden to the Kevins of the world for their info.

Kevin writes about health and science for Business Insider. He graduated from the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism in 2012, where he focused on health and science writing, and got a B.A. in political science and philosophy from the University of Notre Dame in 2005. He\'s written for Condé Nast Traveler, The Christian Science Monitor, and other publications.
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