T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Bullshit, but I expect that out of oath-breakers. As for asthma, no doubt you learned that on Facebook just like you learned your COVID and mask info. Here's some facts which I doubt any MAGAts will accept:
Biden received deferments because he was a student.
President Joe Biden has shared anecdotes about his days as a student athlete in Delaware, where he played high school fowww.politifact.com
Biden didn’t use health excuses to dodge the draft
- President Joe Biden did receive five draft deferments, but they were granted because he was a student, first in college and then law school.
- Later, Biden underwent a physical exam and received a Selective Service 1-Y classification — which specified that he could be drafted only in a national emergency — because of his asthma.
Agreed on Clinton, which is why both were such good pedo buddies back in the day.
So, everything I stated was 100% accurate. Politifact just spun it more favorably in their highly biased political OPINION. Biden had asthma like Trump had bone spurs... As for Clinton, there's no denying he was a draft dodger. He used signing up for ROTC in Arkansas to get a deferment, and the second it was granted, he dropped the program.