Maher mocks 2020 Democrats, implores Oprah to run:

To bad she isn't interested in a new job.............

I hope she does not get in. She is almost as unqualified as Trump. We have to suffer another 1.5 years of his breaking things. I do not need another person learning the job by getting it.
There is a long history of American comedians using politics as a base for comedy. Will Rogers was a famous one with homespun humor gouging politicians. Mark Twain, Bierce,Menken preceded modern comedians like Lenny Bruce, Carlin, Smothers Bros, Colbert and Lewis Black. Yes, he is a comedian using humor.
However, the Oprah thing works because we elected a reality TV host for president. She is everything he is, but bigger and better,

He's only a "comedian" when his opinions can't be defended.
I hope she does not get in. She is almost as unqualified as Trump. We have to suffer another 1.5 years of his breaking things. I do not need another person learning the job by getting it.

So who, if I may ask, are you hoping for @ this point of the game??
And this is the problem. CHEATING using the Electoral College

Not voter turnout.

People need to stop totally focusing on voting and start focusing on cheating.

Demand 1 person, 1 vote

You win the internet today!

I have always hated the electoral college, and even when there were indications that Al Gore might win the EC will losing the popular vote, I still hated the EC. I would not have felt right having a democratic president who was not able to convince a plurality of voters of his/her merit.

So I want the EC gone on principle, as a matter of fairness and justice.
Many argue the electoral college was a safeguard to keep the unwashed masses from making a mistake. The electoral college could repair the poor choices. It went wrong. Now it helps the worst candidate win . The Repubs wanted to end the Electoral College many times. Now they see it helps them, it is suddenly is patriotic to keep it. Every time it overruled the popular vote, a red won.

Now that’s a matter of opinion, isn’t it?
Now that’s a matter of opinion, isn’t it?

Nope, one of numbers. Bush won over Gore. Think what we would have avoided if Gore was in office. Hillary v Daffy. Think how much better things would have been run if we had a qualified president? The 2 that won via Electoral within the last century were disasters.