Maher mocks leftists who won't acknowledge American progress on race

I can only read the thread title, but Maher made very valid points on Real Time.

We still have a long way to go with race relations, but we've improved a lot from where we were, and it's not our biggest, most immediate problem.

Right now, Red State legislatures and DINO Joe Manchin are our biggest problems.
I haven't watched Maher in years. His act is stale. No one cares. He's desperate to say something controversial at this point. I'll stick with John Oliver, who skewers the Trumptards weekly.
I haven't watched Maher in years. His act is stale. No one cares. He's desperate to say something controversial at this point. I'll stick with John Oliver, who skewers the Trumptards weekly.

It wasn't controversial. At all. Maher may have branded himself as edgy, but, now that the left believes there are 57 genders, he makes his headlines by simply speaking the truth.
It wasn't controversial. At all. Maher may have branded himself as edgy, but, now that the left believes there are 57 genders, he makes his headlines by simply speaking the truth.

Being left doesn't mean you think that. Stop huffing all those sewer news fumes.
It wasn't controversial. At all. Maher may have branded himself as edgy, but, now that the left believes there are 57 genders, he makes his headlines by simply speaking the truth.

LOL at you. He speaks the truth.... except when he doesn't, right? Please, spare me the hypocrisy pal.
So all you righties enjoy what he has to say about other things. I know I don't enjoy his stuff on Christianity. It's just like righties tapping from Michael Moore when he said one thing they like.

Christopher Hitchens had plenty of sane things to say, and he hated Christianity, while Maher merely has distain for it by comparison. The point is that Maher is one of the only media progressives left who is actually capable of saying rational and sane things. Moore doesn't really espouse anything sane–he is merely capable of discerning public moods so as to identify what will piss people off enough to drive them over to the other side in an election year. There are others with this super power, such as James Carville.
LOL at you. He speaks the truth.... except when he doesn't, right? Please, spare me the hypocrisy pal.

He is capable of reason, which is how he manages to get really obvious stuff right, when few other progressives can. He will be one of the last ones who can't be convinced that 2+2=5.
He is capable of reason, which is how he manages to get really obvious stuff right, when few other progressives can. He will be one of the last ones who can't be convinced that 2+2=5.

Except when he isn't capable of reason, right? Your support of Maher is completely disingenuous. Try being honest for a change.
Christopher Hitchens had plenty of sane things to say, and he hated Christianity, while Maher merely has distain for it by comparison. The point is that Maher is one of the only media progressives left who is actually capable of saying rational and sane things. Moore doesn't really espouse anything sane–he is merely capable of discerning public moods so as to identify what will piss people off enough to drive them over to the other side in an election year. There are others with this super power, such as James Carville.

In truth we have changed greatly in race relations but a lot of righties have eternal constipation every time we bring up the steps back many are taking.