Maher mocks leftists who won't acknowledge American progress on race

Being left doesn't mean you think that. Stop huffing all those sewer news fumes.
But being intellectually lazy means you find the most extreme examples of a group you disagree with and use that to define the entire group.

Little secret, atthe same time you lie about the extreme members of the group you agree with or scream, but this is worse so my group isn't really bad.

Best example: January 6, 2021 domestic terrorists attack the capital.
I haven't watched Maher in years. His act is stale. No one cares. He's desperate to say something controversial at this point. I'll stick with John Oliver, who skewers the Trumptards weekly.

John Oliver is an arsehole, no wonder you like him. He couldn't cut it over in dear old Blighty so had to go to the Colonies instead.
It wasn't controversial. At all. Maher may have branded himself as edgy, but, now that the left believes there are 57 genders, he makes his headlines by simply speaking the truth.

I wonder what gender Con Artist is, he looks like a humanoid made with leftover defective parts.
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Bill Maher and I disagree on a number of things,
this not trying to compare myself without a major national forum with he who has one.

The left is less of a monolith that is the right is what I'm saying..

It's hard to find a progressive liberal who checks off every one of the usual boxes.

It hard to find a trumpanzee that doesn't.

In a sense, that gives them a unity advantage, even though they're slightly in the minority.

Racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, religious bigotry, anti-intellectualism...I could go on and on.

On the progressive liberal side, I don't give a fat fuck about gun control, one way or the other,
and I'm not even close to being woke. Still, nobody who knows me would call me anything other than a hard-left progressive.

Maher, in his own way, is like that as well.
In truth we have changed greatly in race relations but a lot of righties have eternal constipation every time we bring up the steps back many are taking.

In truth we have changed greatly in race relations but a lot of righties have eternal constipation every time we bring up the steps back many are taking.

The most annoying thing about all of your CRT bullshit is that the various wrongs being cited were all championed by Democrats when it was a pathway to political power for them.
The most annoying thing about all of your CRT bullshit is that the various wrongs being cited were all championed by Democrats when it was a pathway to political power for them.
Yes, the conservative, states rights Democrats. The antithesis of a modern Democrat.
Yes, the conservative, states rights Democrats. The antithesis of a modern Democrat.

They did the same things under the populists as they did under the early progressives. The party has always existed to serve its urban machines and special interest groups, and has taken whichever positions on race that were perceived to lead to power. Either way, Dems have never taken accountability for its actions, and instead blame real Americans for everything they have done.