Mainstreaming pedophilia; just when you thought it couldn't be more disgusting

"M (German: M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder — M – A City Searches for a Murderer) is a 1931 German horror drama-thriller film directed by Fritz Lang and starring Peter Lorre. The film was written by Lang and his wife, Thea von Harbou, and was the director's first sound film.[2]

The film revolves around the actions of a serial killer[3] of children and the manhunt for him, conducted by both the police and the criminal underworld.[4] Now considered a classic, the film was deemed by Fritz Lang to be his finest work.[5][6]"

I doubt you have any sincerity in your Topic, but here's an interesting Movie with Peter Lorre about the subject. There's a scene in this dungeon-like environment (the jail) and everyone wants to kill Peter Lorre's character for being a Pedophile and killer of children. He makes this impassioned plea, telling all the other convicts that THEY have a choice, they can CHOOSE not to steal, choose not to kill, but HE can't.
It was pretty interesting and probably my first 'acquaintance' with the subject of Pedophilia.

You can argue your 'facts' with the Medical Student. I gave you MY opinion.

So even decades ago, "entertainers" were trying to claim that pedophiles (and child murderers) "just can't help themselves" because they're "born that way?"

You get your opinions from "entertainers", apparently, which is one of the points I am making. Others do too, seemingly, and "entertainers" are attempting to mainstream pedophilia in my opinion. It needs to be called out.
Fired Gunn caught defending himself online under an alias

I don't recall saying it had "to do with sides of the aisle". There appears to be a pattern of behavior in Kimmel's "jokes" about underage girls that I find inappropriate and disturbing, because it trivializes atrocities visited upon vulnerable children.

And yet, he still works for Disney. Would a conservative pervert have a job like that? Of course not. Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave.
And yet, he still works for Disney. Would a conservative pervert have a job like that? Of course not. Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave.

There are conservative perverts, too. My point is that there appears to be an ongoing effort to somehow "legitimatize" pedophilia using the same tactics used to mainstream homosexuality.
Some people are born improperly wired. That's simply how it is.

It's the result of allowing procreation without genetic testing.

That's why I'm against punishment like incarceration or execution.

I favor rehabilitation where possible and humane euthanasia where not.

Placing absolute value on life is religious superstition.

Life must be evaluated on qualitative terms like everything else.
Some people are born improperly wired. That's simply how it is.

It's the result of allowing procreation without genetic testing.

That's why I'm against punishment like incarceration or execution.

I favor rehabilitation where possible and humane euthanasia where not.

Placing absolute value on life is religious superstition.

Life must be evaluated on qualitative terms like everything else.

Some people are born improperly wired. That's simply how it is.

It's the result of allowing procreation without genetic testing.

I have ponder my own conspiracy theory of how the US Civil war 1861-1865 was prompted by other ulterior motives, namely, to purge inbreds that permeated the known then populous from out of all the hills and dales across rural america.

But the added factor in my own conspiracy theory is that this same agenda more often occurs by way of mother nature.

And if society hides the causes by crafting a interpersonal ethos ---whereas "mother nature" was actually at play--- it will be hidden as to why Destiny would record the same accounts but with mother nature's own hidden agenda.

I wonder at how buried minerals would be one day excavated and transported and refined and formed into artillery and finding its way into a warrior's body or simply into the sod ----100's of miles from where that Iron ore once laid inert.

If history records past events ---wasn't each past event headed for its destiny? ---Its destiny as recorded in the Historical records.

One can change one's destiny beforehand ---but what finally occurs is official defacto "destiny".

Once upon a time there lived a man....yada yada yada whatever ....he's long gone what ever happened to him during his life was all that destiny afforded him.