Major breakthrough for cancer. Cloning

No, I didn't. God that's awful. Did he do it to increase his profits Thorn?

It was certainly at least partly for the money, but the people who were interviewed, FBI agents and victims and their families alike, suggested that he had some sort of "god" complex and that he did it in large part just because he could. It gave him such power over those people ... that's why I wished the punishment on him that I did. I just can't imagine someone like this -- and yet I may have met one or two over the years who might be like that given the opportunity.
I can understand your reservations, especially given the reports about snake-oil salesmen preying on desperate patients and their families after all conventional treatments have failed.

This is immunotherapy, however, a legitimately funded area of oncology research with great legitimate promise. I wouldn't be so prepared to dump it in the same trash can with laetrile or the interferon efforts. For certain types of cancers, perhaps many types, this may hold some genuine promise. It certainly is worth pursuing.

It is not the researchers who exaggerate and simplify claims, Thron. It's the reporters who report it.
It was certainly at least partly for the money, but the people who were interviewed, FBI agents and victims and their families alike, suggested that he had some sort of "god" complex and that he did it in large part just because he could. It gave him such power over those people ... that's why I wished the punishment on him that I did. I just can't imagine someone like this -- and yet I may have met one or two over the years who might be like that given the opportunity.

Well there are a lot of people that get pleasure out of watching others suffer.

Most Americans get pleasure out of seeing someone suffer whenever they feel they deserved it. But I guess some people just get it everywhere. It's a disgusting human emotion from our reptile days that needs to be abolished in its entirety in any case.
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Well there are a lot of people that get pleasure out of watching others suffer.

Most Americans get pleasure out of seeing someone suffer whenever they feel they deserved it. But I guess some people just get it everywhere. It's a disgusting human emotion from our reptile days that needs to be abolished in its entirety in any case.

Got that right, take Islamic folks for instance. Not much pity for the poor children killed, maimed, orphaned, etc in iraq is there ?

Perhaps the guy that diluted the chemo drugs could benefit mankind in some medical experiments on him ?

see even I get some satisfaction in seeing those that really deserve it get what they deserve.

But not the innocent caught in the crossifre.
Well who are you to call me evil by your definition anyway, Three? It was, after all, your church that pushed the doctrine for hundreds of years that having sex doggy style was worse than raping a woman in missionary.
Anyway, getting pleasure out of the suffering of people you think deserve it is at best selfish and irrational, and at worst an easy way for sociopaths to gain control over you.
Anyway, getting pleasure out of the suffering of people you think deserve it is at best selfish and irrational, and at worst an easy way for sociopaths to gain control over you.

Only if you apply meaning to anything. Shame on you for being so judgemental. I have also never called you evil, although you have called many people evil, some in jest and others in apparent seriousness.

I really don't care what happens to anyone's immortal soul anymore. The world is filled with far too much evil and it would just cause emotional harm to me if I sympathized that much with anyone outside of my inner circle of friends and family.

What happens to you is not my fault. In life, you have just as much a chance as I have in finding God.
Only if you apply meaning to anything. Shame on you for being so judgemental. I have also never called you evil, although you have called many people evil, some in jest and others in apparent seriousness.

I really don't care what happens to anyone's immortal soul anymore. The world is filled with far too much evil and it would just cause emotional harm to me if I sympathized that much with anyone outside of my inner circle of friends and family.

What happens to you is not my fault. In life, you have just as much a chance as I have in finding God.

Nothing is rational Three. And that's why humanity has been searching for answers for so long and not found any. Asking "What's the meaning of life?" is like asking "What's the meaning of a hamburger?".
Nothing is rational Three. And that's why humanity has been searching for answers for so long and not found any. Asking "What's the meaning of life?" is like asking "What's the meaning of a hamburger?".

I actually kind of agree with that. Never really understood tha faith and reason crowd...