Major humiliation for Warlord Obama

Tell me... Mr. DemandWeSupportObamaWithoutThought... What would the point of attacking Syria be at this time? What good do you think we'd do by doing minimal attacks? And why would we demand Bush get approval and more than one nation to tag along before doing anything, but this guy gets your pass?

Basically, can you answer this one question: What would victory look like if we took military action in Syria?

with the possible exception of egypt, there is no such thing as victory in the middle east, just the replacement of one dictatorship by another.
wow....I don't demand you do anything.

I never demanded Bush got approval. Take a look at the thread that Don Quixote created on my stance.

What would military victory look like? YOUR guess is as good as mine. We don't have the INTEL to make that determination.

We do, and must. A government of the people, for the people, and BY the people must maintain a level of intelligence that fully comprehends that the last check on government power is an educated populace.

As a nation, before Bush took action anywhere we demanded a solid accounting of the "why", an explanation before Congress and the Nation. For this President we demand nothing but total dedication to him and his "plan", you know the plan that never surfaces. And if we disagree with that, somebody trots out racism as the reason.

If we can't answer what a victory would look like or even say why we're going to attack in a way that we all can understand, then we shouldn't be going.
We do, and must. A government of the people, for the people, and BY the people must maintain a level of intelligence that fully comprehends that the last check on government power is an educated populace.

As a nation, before Bush took action anywhere we demanded a solid accounting of the "why", an explanation before Congress and the Nation. For this President we demand nothing but total dedication to him and his "plan", you know the plan that never surfaces. And if we disagree with that, somebody trots out racism as the reason.

If we can't answer what a victory would look like or even say why we're going to attack in a way that we all can understand, then we shouldn't be going.

yep Damo, you remind me of why so many on the left did agree with Bush, at least at the very beginning. Including Kerry and Hillary. Now, they are saying something different as are many of my cohorts. They've all changed positions. Funny, not you or myself.
We do, and must. A government of the people, for the people, and BY the people must maintain a level of intelligence that fully comprehends that the last check on government power is an educated populace.

As a nation, before Bush took action anywhere we demanded a solid accounting of the "why", an explanation before Congress and the Nation. For this President we demand nothing but total dedication to him and his "plan", you know the plan that never surfaces. And if we disagree with that, somebody trots out racism as the reason.

If we can't answer what a victory would look like or even say why we're going to attack in a way that we all can understand, then we shouldn't be going.

the religious leaders and dictators make it a point not to have educated populations.
yep Damo, you remind me of why so many on the left did agree with Bush, at least at the very beginning. Including Kerry and Hillary. Now, they are saying something different as are many of my cohorts. They've all changed positions. Funny, not you or myself.

True, I was against it then... one of the few. And still say the same thing, it doesn't matter who is in the office. It really isn't unreasonable to expect an answer to that simple question before we run into Syria without direction.

Bush dredged up Security Council resolutions more than a decade old to justify action. Still, sending the lawyers in to parse past resolutions on Syria or chemical weapons likely will not convince skeptical allies.
Oh, I know you know.... you know that your ideology is based on whatever the right wing media tells you for the day.... you don't have an attention span longer than that.

SP, you are dealing with Legion troll. He is currently aping right wing posters, he just gets a kick out of playing games. He stops when school goes back.
... And if we disagree with that, somebody trots out racism as the reason. ...

Page up to see an example. I was going to say the same thing.

WTF is racist about criticizing hasty military intervention?

I was changed by the Bush years and constant drum beat that my country was a war mongering imperialist beast that served the Military Industrial Complex. I looked at the evidence and found it was true.

The same people who convinced me are now cheering when Obama uses the same tools for the MIC.

The race card being thrown around here is plain silly. There is no racial component to this issue. We oppose the furthering of the goals of the MIC. Why is that grounds to be called a racist? It makes no sense. Why do they think everyone is as obsessed with race as they are? If you think there is a racial component to this, YOU might be the racist.
SP, you are dealing with Legion troll. He is currently aping right wing posters, he just gets a kick out of playing games. He stops when school goes back.

Really? Wow....I guess I don't understand that mindset. I am who I am. What you see is what you get with me. Obviously, in real life I am not as vocal as I am on here...or as argumentative....but it's still me.
Racism is the last argument of the defeated.

Tinfoil and Damo are right. Racism has nothing to do with this issue. But one cannot escape what they have written/ have been plastering the board with volatile and racist bullshit for weeks.

What I submitted had nothing to do with the thread and had everything to do with you in a general sense. But now I find out that you're just a bored kid who gets off on playing games and are play acting the part you have chosen.

So....when you find the real you, let me know...perhaps we can discuss it as two intelligent people.
So why should we go?

When I said we don't have the Intel...I meant we, as in the citizens of the country. The CIA and the Joint Chiefs know what's going on.

I don't know that we SHOULD go....but I also don't know that we shouldn't.
Warlord Obama may be remembered - if anyone survives - as the egoist who started the last war that destroys civilization.

Russia sends warships to Mediterranean...

And it's hilarious to see libs who chanted "Bush lied people died" expressing lamblike trust in the Warlord Obama.
When I said we don't have the Intel...I meant we, as in the citizens of the country. The CIA and the Joint Chiefs know what's going on.

I don't know that we SHOULD go....but I also don't know that we shouldn't.

The same CIA that told Bush I, Clinton, Bush II about the WMD's in Iraq? Sorry, if the president can't come up with better than "We conclude they used..." it's not selling. Not to the UN, not to the American people, looks like not even to Congress.
The same CIA that told Bush I, Clinton, Bush II about the WMD's in Iraq? Sorry, if the president can't come up with better than "We conclude they used..." it's not selling. Not to the UN, not to the American people, looks like not even to Congress.

Yes....the same CIA. And I agree with a point. The President is not a WMD expert, he is not a spy with his boots on the ground in these places, and he is most certainly not an island unto himself.

He relies on his cabinet and his military advisors to give him the data and suggest actions/inactions. It was true with every President before him and remains true with this one.

Our Intelligence community gets it wrong sometimes....but they get it right a hell of a lot more. To dismiss them as incompetent or corrupt tools for the MIC is to throw away the only tool we have to find out which way the wind is blowing in the rest of the world.

Would you rather have no Intelligence over there? Because that's what it seems to me you're saying. I mean, if we are going to disregard the CIA....we might as well disband it and just be blind as to the goings on and the intents of other countries.