Majority of Americans believe Trump tried to obstruct Russia probe

You trotting out the old Clinton caused the banking crisis? Lets help you. The Bill was presented by Republican Phil Gramm in a late night lame duck session. Gramm tried for years to get the banks free of regulation. His wife was a bigtime Enron executive. He was a banking legislator from his first day. The Repubs had the votes to overturn a Clinton veto. The Dems fought, but all they could do is wring some weak concessions out of the Repubs. After it was passed, Dems , like Durbin ,were talking about what potential dangers had been loosened in banking. The Repubs touted what a great day it was . Clinton signed it on the way out. It was not his bill, but the Republicans through Gramm and Leach. I remember how sad Durbin and Shumer were when it was done. HJeres the vote.
Trump keeps an approval rating in the small 30s. Same percent who does not believe in science, including evolution or climate change. And post here as conservatives. Low information voters love Trump and Fox Gnus. It must be very tough to ignore so much evidence that Trump is corrupt, in order to stay a Trump fan. Trump is horribly unqualified for his job. He also has a horrible golf swing.
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