Majority of Americans polled don't want Obamacare

So your best effort is to discredit the source based on a 2010 election survey?

Are you saying that most Americans want Obamacare?
So your best effort is to discredit the source based on a 2010 election survey?

Are you saying that most Americans want Obamacare?

Surely you remember 2012 when repubs here were positive Romney was going to come from behind and blow away Obama. Romney himself thought he'd win. Those repubs put too much stock in pollsters like Rasmussen and completely ignored statisticians like Nate Silver. My opinion is that everyone puts more stock in polls that confirm their own positions.

As for Obamacare, ¿quién sabe? It depends on what you read.

"It continues to go overlooked in the Beltway argument over Obamacare, but one of the most fundamental factors shaping the politics of all of this is that disapproval of the Affordable Care Act does not necessarily translate into support for Republican efforts to undermine or sabotage the law.

"Fewer than half of all Republicans and Republican leaners (43%) want elected officials who oppose the law to do what they can to make it fail; 37% say they should try to make it work as well as possible. However, 64% of Tea Party Republicans oppose the law and want elected officials to do what they can to make it fail. By comparison, just 31% of Republicans and Republican leaners who do not agree with the Tea Party favor this approach."
So you don't think polls are valid unless they seem to support your ready-made predisposition to force Obamacare on an unwilling constituency?
[h=1]Romney Landslide: Here Are the Biggest Names Predicting It & How It Will Happen[/h] Nov. 4, 2012 3:37pm Benny Johnson

More and more pundits on both political sides are taking the electoral leap and predicting a landslide for Mitt Romney. Here are some notable ones:

1. CNBC Anchor Larry Kudlow
2. MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough
3. Strategist Karl Rove
4. Columnist George Will
5. Pundit Dick Morris
6. Columnist Micheal Barone
7. Las Vegas oddsmaker Wayne Allen Root
8. Israel

Bonus: Glenn Beck
So you don't think polls are valid unless they seem to support your ready-made predisposition to force Obamacare on an unwilling constituency?

Based on my reading, I don't think the constituency is 100% unwilling.

Obamacare was signed into law in 2010 and Obama was still re-elected in 2012, 32 months later.
The polls Ive seen have it about split depending on the wording and type of poll.
CNN/ORC Poll. Sept. 6-8, 2013. N=1,022 adults nationwide. Margin of error ± 3.

"As you may know, a bill that makes major changes to the country's health care system became law in 2010. Based on what you have read or heard about that legislation, do you favor all of the proposals in that law, favor most of them, oppose most of them, or oppose all of them?

Favor all: 6%

Favor most: 33%

Oppose all: 20%

Oppose most: 37%